Weary and Worried

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Delgan Pov

    Delgan walked furiously down the dirt path. His feet kicked around old bones and dirt. The only thing in his mind was killing the lich. "Sonofabitch, I'm going to kill him!" Delgan promised. He couldn't help but see images of all the dead bodies he was responsible for. The lich's picture of Delgan stabbing Rose came to view. He stops in his tracks. "What if he tells Rose" his face contorts "what if she already knows," he thinks frantically. Delgan shook the image away. "No, the lich is a liar, I would never hurt Rose. He will pay for all he has done" Delgan promised and stormed off again. A thought of Rose threatened to seep through. "Damn it, this isn't the time to be worried about that, I have to push forward" He commanded himself picking up his pace.

      Finally, at the end of the hall, he quickly turned toward a long corridor. He could see torches lighting up the path in front of him. He gasped at the sight. In front of him were dozens of dead mice and snakes. Moving closer he noticed that the dead animals were a sickening pale color and their bodies were only skin and bones. 'How did they all die?' he questioned himself pulling his sword from its holster. He used the blade to turn the dead animal over trying to determine the cause of the animal's death noticing there were no open wounds or blood. 'I don't like the look of this" he spoke turning away from the animal. He could see in the distance a large wooden door. "Found you. You sneaky bastard" he hissed moving forward. A sinister feeling waved through him. As he walked closer to the door he could feel himself shiver. 'Am I...cold?' he thought to himself. Suddenly he felt the air getting thinner. He took deep breaths trying to get as much air as he could, but it only made him feel light-headed. "Something's not right" he assessed. He noticed his hand began to shake as his sword suddenly felt heavy, as did his own body weight. His legs wobbled, he was getting weaker. He gripped the handle of his sword firmly. "Arcadia, lend me your strength" he whispered to the darkness. As his sword shined a bright blue he felt some of his strength return. He made his way to the door. Feeling more confident, he put his ear to the door to see if he could hear anything on the other side of it. It was faint, but he could hear quiet chanting. Gripping his sword for strength, he slowly opened the door just a crack... 

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