Friend, Foe, and Freedom

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Freya Pov

     Splitting off from Rose and Delgan, Freya swiftly made her way towards the slave quarters. As she walks along the dark narrowed dirt path, she begins to feel uneasy as if the eyes she felt back in the town were watching her once again. A sudden movement behind her made her suspicion correct, she was being followed. "Unless you want to die I suggest you stop following me" Freya threatened to the person in the darkness following her. Continuing down the dirt path, Freya could hear the person chuckle as if this was a game. "Keep on laughing, we'll see who will be laughing at the end of this" Freya challenged. She turned into the closest room and pushed her body up against the wall, awaiting her stalker. After a moment, a tall dark figure jogged into the room looking around. 'This guy has a death wish' Freya thinks to herself as the stalker walks past. Coming from the shadows, she sweeps the stalker's legs from beneath them and jumps on top of them in one slick motion. She slides her blade harshly against her hand, causing her poison to coat the tip of her dagger, and hovering it over the stalker's throat. "You should've listened the first time. One wrong move and your dead" Freya hissed at the stalker beneath her. "I'd be happy to die in the position," the stalker says with a chuckle, his voice low and unaffected by the situation he was in. "Huh..wait what?!?" Freya was dumbfounded. 

      Freya looked down to see she was straddling him, her chest was practically touching his, and her hand gripped his cloak tightly holding him still. Realizing the look of the position she was in, Freya called upon her earthly magic. Vines ripped through the ground and wrap around the stalker's wrist tightly, holding him down for her. "Shit, I like it rough just as much as the next guy but you mind loosening this a little" the stalker smirks making eye contact with Freya. His eyes were an unnatural green with a hint of black around the iris. Something in them dared Freya darkness to come out to play. "Why are you following me?" Freya questioned, breathing deeply as she fought for control. "Can't a guy just want to talk to a pretty woman?" the man chuckled. Freya could see that his face had an array of bruises and his throat had a badly scarred gash across it as if someone had attempted to kill him. Without realizing it, Freya reached out to touch it. The feeling of sorrow hit her. She held in her breath as her fingers moved along the deeply scarred tissue. 'Are you just as broken as me?' Freya thinks to herself. "You know, if you just wanted to feel me up, all you had to do was ask," the man said clearing his throat snapping Freya out of her thoughts. 

       "You do realize I can kill you without a second thought," Freya said harshly. "Look I'm just trying to help! Who do you think led you to the archives?" the man retorted. "Help? I never asked for your help" Freya countered coldly. "I don't have time for this! I have other things to do" Freya quickly added as she got up to get ready to leave. "You don't even know where you're going. And I wouldn't want a pretty thing like you to get lost" The man casually said. "I know this place like the back of my hand, come on gorgeous, let me help you" the man added a smug look on his face stopping Freya in her tracks. 'He right, I don't exactly know where the slaves quarters are' Freya thought to herself but still hesitated. "Look I've been working here a long time. I know which tunnel leads where and how to get out unnoticed ...just trust me okay?" the man said confidently. 'There's that word again, trust,' Freya grew annoyed with these new people around her. First Rose and now this guy. 'I don't have much of a choice' She reminded herself. With a groan, she sighed. "Fuck it" She agreed, "but if you double-cross me, I'll have no problem ripping you to shreds" Freya threatened. Her vines tightened around the man's wrist as a warning before releasing their hold on him and returning back to the earth. Without another word, she turns on her heels and heads out the door. "Damn, I like my woman with a little blood lust in them," the man says with a chuckle. He gets up, shakes off the dirt on him, and follows after her.

     "Allow me to show you the way," he says while stepping in front of Freya. He bows as if she was royalty. "Can you just act like a normal person" Freya snapped shoving pasted him. "Ouch, I thought women appreciated being treated like a lady," the man said mockingly. "Shut up and lead the way before I lose my temper," Freya scowled. The man looked at her curiously but kept his mouth shut as they continued to walk through the narrow path. He remained quiet until they reached what looked to be the slave quarters. Freya could see cages in the back room where shadowy figures were huddled together. The smell of feces and urine hit her nose. 'How could someone treat people like this' Freya thought.

      She goes to enter the room before an arm goes around her waist pulling her back. "Don't make a sound" the man whispered pointing to the two guards that stood in the shadows guarding the slaves. "We have to be smart about this" the man continued, his arm still wrapped around her waist. Freya could feel the heat in her cheeks rise as she forces his arm to let go. "You take out the guard on the right and I'll go for the one on the left" Freya demanded. She sneaked into the room and quietly made her way towards the guard on the left. Placing her hands on the ground, she called upon her earthly magic. She could feel the vines shifting beneath her feet and moving towards the guard. Finally reaching him, the vines tore through the ground beneath the guard's feet and wrapped around them. Before he could react, the vines pierced through his body. The guard let out a blood curdling scream as the rest of the vines forced their way through his body, ripping him apart from the inside. 'Hahaha' Sylvies menacing laughter echoes through her mind as Freya's darkness threatens to come out.

    "Ahhhhh" a scream from the other guard is cut short. Freya turns to see the man standing over him. His sword penetrated the guard's chest leaving him choking on his own blood. As the guard falls to the ground lifeless the man speaks up, "fuck I wouldn't want to be on your bad side" he chuckled moving over to Freya. He offered his hand out to her. "Oh will you just shut up already" Freya hissed slapping his hand away and getting up on her own. "Sorry, let's just do what I came here for" Freya muttered softly as they made their way to the cells finding the slaves. "You might wanna stand back for this" Freya warned the slaves and the man beside her. The man looks unsure but nods.

        Freya uses the vines growing from the earth and leads them up the bars of the cell. Freya used her hands like a conductor leading an orchestra. Twisting and curling them, she sent her vines in different directions. Each vine found its way to a different rusty bar. Finally grabbing hold of each one, Freya pushes waves of power through each strand as she yanks on each bar all at once. The bars snapped off its hinges and the ceiling threatened to crumble with it as the vines pulled back down into the earth. The ground shook as the vines disappeared into the dirt. The man looked at her with awe and a hint of excitement. "Damn, now that was sexy as hell. You must be a super freak in bed" he chuckled. Freya focused on her breathing and pushed aside his comment though she couldn't help but notice the instant warmth in her cheeks. Taking deep breaths, Freya looked at the slaves. "You're free!! Go and get as far away as you can" Freya instructs. "Follow him and he'll lead you to safety" She gestures towards the man. The slaves trembled, uncertain. After a moment, a little girl stepped forward from the crowd. It was the same one from the caravan but covered in even more dirt. She cautiously approached Freya, no tears in her eyes, and smiled. "Thank you miss" she whispered. Freya could see a hint of hope return in the girl's dim eyes. Unexpectedly, the girl wrapped her arms around Freya. Shocked, Freya stood there with her arms open, unsure if she should embrace her back. She twirled her fingers a moment before clearing her throat and patting her on the head. "Don't mention it" Freya says reassuringly, slightly stroking her matted hair. The little girl let go before following all the other enslaved villagers behind the man. "I'll keep them safe" the man promised with confidence that annoyingly made Freya's knees weak. Freya smiles at the man's back as he turns and leads everyone out of the tunnels to freedom. Freya makes sure the last slave had exited before she sent thick vines to block the tunnel entrance. The vines created a wall. Razor sharp thorns hid the pathway so no one could follow. Freya turns away and heads to the catacombs. 

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