Breaking Free

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Freya Pov

     Lilith stood before Freya. Hand on hip, cocky grin, power emanating off her. "You ready to play Freya?" she taunted. Freya didn't acknowledge her taunt. With a wave of her hand, she sent a vine piercing through the ground. It went to grab Lilith's leg, but she jumped out of the way. "Well someone's eager" she giggled. Lilith threw a dark orb at Freya in retaliation. Freya crossed her arms sending a wall of vines to block the attack. The vines crumbled and turned to dust at the touch of Lilith's magic. "You know you won't be able to kill me with that magic of yours. That tiny bit of life magic you have is nothing compared to my death magic. I'll just destroy anything you throw at me silly" she chuckled. Freya's brow furrowed. "You think I'm going to try to kill you?" she scoffed. Lilith rolled her eyes. "Oh don't play dumb with me Freya. How else did you think this would end?" she spat while sending another dark orb at Freya. She blocked it again with more vines. As they turned to ash and blew away, Freya spoke. "No... my sister's still in there. I didn't come all this way to kill her..." she insisted while sending more vines through the ground. These managed to grab Lilith's ankles, holding her to the ground. "..I'm here to save her" Freya added.

     Lilith smirked. "How cute" she giggled. Black mist grew from her hands and wrapped around the vines. Freya could feel the life instantly be snatched from them as they wilted and crumbled. Lilith effortlessly pulled her legs free. "I still don't know what the big deal is about this wretched little human. Why do you fight so hard for someone who gives up so easily?" She asked curiously. Freya raised a brow and looked at the Sylvie before her. Even without Lilith's power inside her, Freya could see how much Sylvie has changed. The power she possessed on her own was immaculate. Freya remembered how powerful the barrier was and how it took all of Freya's power and help from the life around her just to tear it down. Sylvie was so much stronger than Freya would have ever imagined. She single-handedly killed the entire horde of undead and still found the strength to fight off the lich. "No... your wrong, my sister is not pathetic" Freya spat and sent another wave of vines to grab Lilith. "She is not weak" She sent more vines to grab her wrists. "She will break free" she balled her hands into a fist as a command to the vines to yank Lilith forward. The vines pulled Lilith close to Freya and held Lilith still. Freya leaned in. "And she will be rid of you!" Freya declared.

     "Is that so?" Lilith responds. An ominous grin forms on her lips. Freya could feel the life being drained from the vines again. She focused on pushing more life magic in. Lilith's grin grew wider and the runes on Sylvie's skin began to glow a sickening blood red. A black smog surrounded her. Freya could feel more darkness flowing up her vines. As it did, a black hue traveled up the long vines and climbed its way to Freya. She broke off the vines, stopping the darkness from reaching her. Lilith laughed. "Hahaha now we're having some fun" she cackled.

     Freya's vines hung off Lilith like dead scarves. They wilted and rotted. With a quick tug, they crumbled to the ground just like before. Lilith took a step towards Freya. "I'd much rather have you as an ally Freya. We could have so much fun..." she took another step "... and I think it's really sweet how much you 'Wove your wittle sister'... but I think it would be even sweeter to watch that little gleam of hope in your eyes blow out. We can't have that distracting you from what we need you to do..." She giggles innocently. "You wanna see how pathetic she really is Freya?" she offered. Before Freya answers, Lilith surrounds herself with a dark mist-like barrier. Freya could see the difference in her and Sylvie's power. Sylvie's barrier was dark and controlled, like a warning to keep everyone away. Lilith's power was pitch black, demonic, and filled with so much power that red residue trickled down the sides of the barrier, daring anyone to challenge her. Freya could barely see past the dark barrier. From inside, Lilith called out "Come see Freya. See why you should give up on poor Sylvie. See how she's already given up on herself" she coaxed. Though Freya's instincts sent waves of warning, with a deep breath, Freya took a step inside the barrier.

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