Fighting Fire With Fire

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Rose Pov

     Rose held Freya's unconscious body. "Dammit Freya get up" Rose demanded, but Freya didn't budge. If it wasn't for her pounding heartbeat, Rose would be worried she actually died. "God damn it Freya, I was joking when I said I'd let you die" Rose chuckled, but her broken laughter gave away her true anxiety. To make matters worse, Rose heard the sound of heavy footsteps approaching them. "No, not now" Rose whispered. She gently placed Freya on the floor before pulling out her bow again. The footsteps got louder and were followed by a high feminine scream. "AHHHH" a woman screeched. Rose tightened the grip on her bow and took a few steps forward to help the endangered woman in distress, a full-figured man turned the corner and ran straight towards Rose. "Oh it's you, my liege, help me!" the man plead. Rose squinted her eyes to make out who it was. Answering her thoughts the man continued to scream "it's me, da priest!" he yelled. Rose shook her head in disbelief. "What the hell was he doing here? and where was the woman that screamed before?' Rose thought. The sound of another high pitch scream coming from da priest answered Rose's question. "What are you running from?" Rose called out. Before he could answer, a dark deathlike figure followed behind him. It was a horrid image that burned Rose's brain. Inside the dark mist was a gaunt skeletal being with hanging flesh that appeared both decaying and scorched. Ripped clothing hung on its undead corpse. It was dark yet stained with old blood and dirt. Its eyes blazed a blackish-green flame. Rose stood there in awe. "I've never seen flames that color before" Rose stated barely above a whisper. This creature before her was demonic and menacing. "The lich" Rose spat. It tilted its head back and released an atrocious deep laugh. "HawHawHaw, GET BACK HERE" The lich's voice threatened. His hands became engulfed in a sickening blue flame, his hands moving together creating an orb of fire. An evil smile formed on his face before throwing the orb of fire at da priest. In an instant, that same blue flame consumed da priest. As he incinerated da priest let out a petrified loud cry. "I'm da prieeest" he pleaded before turning to dust. Rose stood frozen in place, but she wasn't sure if it was out of fear or amazement. The lich slowly turned his gaze to Rose. "Well well well, look who's here. A Fire demon and her little earth friend" he said in a deep voice that echoed like thunder. He looked down at Fryea's unconscious body. "Hmm, I see Lilith kept her end of the bargain, I'll have to reward her later." He added amused.

     The lich's mere presence felt heavy to Rose and to make matters worse Freya was out of commission, but that alone would not stop her she drew her bow and aimed it at the lich's skull. Imbuing it with fire, she shot the arrow. Her aim was true, the arrow whistled through the air hitting the Lich right in between his eyes. The arrow pierced his head and was sticking out of his skull. "Moronic little mortal, did you think that would do anything to me" The Lich cackled. Rose smirked. "No, but I'm pretty sure this will" she mused. Little did the Lich know, she had used one of her special arrows. Once the fire reached the tip, it exploded causing a cloud of black smoke to form. Rose knew it wasn't enough to kill it, but let her buy time to get Freya to safety.

     She turned and ran towards Freya, lifting her up and putting her over her shoulder. "Damn it Delgan where are you" Rose cursed and began to run as best as she could. "Well, that tickled" the lich mocked as the smoke cleared. He stepped out of the black smoke unfazed from Rose's attack. "Running away are we" he chuckled. Lowering his hands to the ground, he sent waves of dark magic through the dirt, shaking the ground, and causing Rose to lose her balance. She fell over with Freya. As the ground stopped shaking, it cracked open with a sickening sound. Black fog started to pour out from below and began to gather around Rose and Freya tangling them. Rose couldn't escape, not while leaving Freya in this state. She unsheathed her dagger, slicing at the black fog but to no avail. The black fog engulfed Freya first dragging her away.

      "Hawhawhaw" the voice laughed. "You weak little mortal. You have no chance of beating me, especially not alone. Tell me, where is that lying friend of yours?" he smugly asked. Rose's brow furrowed. 'Lying friend? Delgan?' her thoughts questioned. She said nothing and clenched her dagger tighter. "I'm really surprised he managed to live this long" he teased. Rose gritted her teeth. "He is a strong warrior and can defeat any foe he crosses" She proudly defended. The voice chuckled. "You foolish girl, you think I'm referring to one of his enemies? Hahaha, oh no, his greatest threat is the one he so foolishly calls a companion" the lich spat. Rose squinted to see through the black fog. "I would never hurt Delgan. You are the one that will die" she retorted. From beyond the mist, Rose could see the lich circling her. "Such confidence, that's the kind of trait that no doubt gets passed down, shame what happened to your father. Isn't it? The lich toyed. The mention of her father made Rose tense. She sliced at the dark mist again. "What do you know of my father?" she yelled. Her eyes began to burn with rage she hated being toyed with. Her eyes emitted an orange tinge. "Ah I see so you really are a demon," The lich said as he ran his fingers through his ribs making an odd noise. "Algamaan, now there's a worthy opponent" the lich mused.

     The black fog was starting to engulf Rose as well, but she was not going without a fight. Bright orange flames started to dance around her attempting to rid the black fog. "I'll kill you, you abomination" Rose screamed through the dark fog with tenacity. Suddenly the Lich appeared in front of Rose. He started reciting words she could not comprehend. It sounded old. "Coniuro te, Algamaan, mecum pugnare, vel deditionem, ac potestatem tuam mihi dare" he chanted.

     The lich cackled and sent his own sickening blue flames to entangle with her orange flames. The two colors danced and tugged as if fighting for control. Rose could feel the lich's dark magic trying to pull against Rose's, almost like he was trying to pull something out of her. She focused on her own magic, trying desperately not to lose against the lich, but it wasn't enough. "No No No No" Rose screeched as her flames became corrupted turning the into a blueish hue. Rose was going to lose. "Release me" growled a low, terrifying voice. Rose's eyes widened unsure of where the voice was coming from. Rose could see her orange flame flicker dark red. The heat inside her grew as the lich chanted again. It made its way from her chest to her arms and hand. A cloud of red slowly filled her mind. Rose fought it back, determined to win against everything, the lich, and this terrifying voice around her. But it still wasn't enough. The lich's blue fire was almost completely overtaking her orange one. "You will die without me, release me, Now" the voice demanded. Rose felt it roar from within her. 'What the hell?' her thoughts questioned. She wanted to keep fighting but she couldn't hold on anymore, she could either give in to the red flames, or die by the lich. Without much of a choice, Rose sighed in frustration before letting go. The heat inside her expanded with excitement. The red overtook her again, her mind became blank, and everything went dark.

    When she awoke, everything around her was charred. There were deep claw marks around her that still burned with flames, some blue, but plenty a dark red. As she tried to stand she collapsed. The lich walked towards her. His black cloak was also torn and was smoking from areas that were singed. He chuckled. "That was quite amusing, you actually hurt me a little. I think I might keep you as a pet" he teased as Rose then lost consciousness. 

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