Unleash the Flames

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Rose Pov

      At the sound of her friend's wail, Rose's eyes snapped open. "Del?" she murmured barely audible. Through blurry eyes, Rose could see the battle taking place. Delgan was on the ground cradling his hands against his chest groaning while some girl, 'wait, isn't that the girl from the statue? What the hell? Isn't she supposed to be dead?' Rose thought to herself. Examining the girl, she could see her long black hair waving through the air as she throws another black ball of magic at the lich sending him soaring across the room. Rose couldn't help but notice the runes covering her body as she threw another ball of magic at the Lich, not giving him the chance to recover. 'What the hell is going on?' Rose thought to herself. "Sylvie!" Freya screamed. 'Sylvie? Wait that's Freya's sister!' Rose thought to herself as she looked at Freya. She could tell that Freya's lips were a blueish color and she was coughing, trying to catch her breath while also using her magic on what seemed to be some sort of barrier. "Freya.." Rose croaked.

     She hated how weak she sounded. 'Get up Rose, your friends need you' she demanded of herself. She went to move but her body felt so heavy. Her muscles felt like they were ripped apart and her insides felt like they were on fire. 'Please, get up' her thoughts commanded. But her body betrayed her once again as it lay still. 'God damn you Rose, how can you lie here while your friends are giving it everything they've got, are you really that useless' Rose's thoughts challenged. Again Rose tried to move. With a slight twitch in her fingers, Rose let out a sigh in satisfaction. 'That's right, move your ass in gear' her thoughts demanded. Rose dug deep within her to find the strength to move.

     Climbing to her knees felt like razor blades dancing under her skin. She looked up at Freya who was still using her earth magic trying to get past the barrier. As her vines got through one layer, another layer would form on top of that. Rose needed to do something. 'But what can I do, my physical attacks didn't do anything' Rose thought. "That was quite amusing you actually hurt me a little" the memory of the lich's voice echoed in Rose's mind. 'The fire magic, It worked before. Even if it was just by a little, it worked.' she reminded herself. She knew what to do but needed to be careful not to lose control again. Wobbling to her feet, Rose took a deep breath and stumbled over to Freya. "Rose, thank god you're up" Freya rejuvenated. "I can't seem to break all the way through and Sylvie needs me" Rose looked over to the girl trying desperately to hold her own. 'So that really is Sylvie?' Rose thought to herself picturing the face of the statue again.

      Rose hated seeing Delgan in pain on the floor. She tensed at the thought of not being able to help him. 'Do something damn it' her thoughts yelled. Rose could feel the heat rising within her again. 'Breath, control it, Rose, control it' Rose mentally repeated. "Rose, I need you" Freya hollered interrupting her thoughts. Rose felt heavy as she dragged herself next to Freya. She placed a hand on Freya's shoulder and focused all her powers, channeling through her. "Sorry Freya, this may hurt a little" Rose warned as her eyes fluttered shut.

     Rose dug deep within her and channeled her power. It traveled up to her chest and through her arms and to her hands. Concentrating, Rose focused her power on Freya's shoulder, a black-controlled flame rested on the back of Freya's arm as she worked. "What the hell" Freya distressed. "Shh, it's just a black flame, it won't harm you... that much" Rose reassured, but dimmed the heated pressure as best as she could to not harm Freya. She continued to channel the flames through Freya and directed them to her vines. "There," Rose announced, opening her eyes. Finding her link to Freya's magic Rose intertwined her fire magic with Freya's life magic and sent waves after waves of heat energy through Freya's vines.

    It was like a vain of lava shooting through them. As the fire traveled up Freya's earth vines, a bright yellow aura illuminated from the inside. It visibly made its way to the tips where the vines tried to push through the barrier. With everything she had, Rose sent another controlled wave of heat magic through the bond. The tips of Freya's stems gave off steam as they smelted their way through the barrier. With Freya's life magic and Rose's Fire magic, the barrier prism began to waver. "We almost got it Rose, keep going" Freya exclaimed.

    Rose could feel her power wavering as well. She knew if she went any further she might collapse again, or worse, not be strong enough to hold in the terror inside her. 'I can do this, they need me, I can do this' Rose's thoughts chanted. With another deep breath, Rose channeled more power. It was different from her own, more powerful, more demonic. She never welded this power for herself before. With a yelp, Rose's restrains within her dropped a little. The heat within her burned hotter, her eyes flickered crimson, and the safe black flame on Freya's arm turned to orange, then yellow, then dangerously flickered between white with a hint of blue. "Ahhh" Freya shrieks in pain. 'That's enough Rose, pull back' she warned herself, but the waves of heat didn't stop, the yellow-lit vines burned orange as the heat grew dangerously hot. The tips of the vines became scorching hot. The barrier shook and cracked catching the lich's attention. "What the? you insolent bothersome little humans!" the lich roared.

     The heated vines pierced through the barrier. Cracks expanded all around it causing it to shatter. the two girls dropped to the ground finally released. "Frey" Sylvie shrieked. Freya's shoulder was terribly seared. "Freya... I'm so sorry" Rose said sorrowfully. Freya raised her hand to a shoulder. "It's alright, we broke out didn't we" she reassured. A hem of green light surrounded her shoulder as she used her healing magic to regenerate her burned skin.

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