Battles and Interrogations

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    Group Pov

     The head merchant reacted quickly and reached for his sword, but Rose was faster. Instantaneously, Rose readied her arrow. "I wouldn't do that if I were you" she challenged. The merchant slowly placed his hands up and conceded. Rose could hear Delgan handling the other guard, and though she was tempted to kill the head merchant right then and there, she wanted to ask more questions about the details of the military whereabouts. "On the ground, Now!" Rose demanded. Hesitantly the merchant complied. "you're making a huge mistake little bird, I have friends in high places, I wouldn't want that pretty face to get hurt" He offered. Rose sneered. "Oh I look forward to hearing all about them" She retorted. The merchant snickered. "Come on little flower, you don't want to go down this road. it's no place for a little lad-" Without hesitation, Rose knocked the merchant out cold. Restraining the urge to turn the merchant into a shishkabob, Rose quietly chanted again. "We just wanna talk to 'em, we just wanna talk to 'em, we just wanna FUCKING TALK TO EM!" She repeated. To take her mind off her murderous thoughts, Rose surveyed the rest of the attack. Delgan was thrown back a bit from the gruesome event that unfolded; he had never seen Freya use her gift and wasn't totally sure she could control it, but it didn't matter he had to act fast as the other merchants fumbled to grab their weapons Delgan drew his sword and ran at the nearest one.

This merchant had managed to get his blade unsheathed, but that was it. He had no time to parry. He managed to jump back to dodge the hit, but Delgan rushed him and impaled him through the chest with his sword. The merchant dropped his blade as the life in his eyes disappeared. Delgan didn't even slow down. He was going to rush the head merchant, but Rose had already dealt with him. They had one more to deal with. "Where was he?" Delgan thought, but then Delgan heard the air whistle behind him. Freya sends a dagger straight past Delgan's head and into the slaver's arm. It disarms him as he howls in pain. "fucking bandit" He cursed. Freya sweeps his legs from beneath him, rips her battle axe from the dead merchant's chest, and aims it towards his heart. "Now start fucking talking!!" Freya sneers angrily "or the next one ends your life". She threatened. The merchant grasped his arm and looked up at Freya. Her face was twisted with rage. He knew that if he said even one wrong thing or said even the slightest lie, he would die right then and there. That's when Freya noticed a smell. He had shit himself. She wanted to laugh in this pitiful merchant's face, but she needed to focus on the task at hand. "Start talking!" she demands again.

"I... I... I..." the merchant stutters. Rose muttered under her breath "ugh, what a pathetic excuse of a man". The merchant was pale and trembling. "Please don't kill me I... I... I beg of you." He pleaded. Rose looks at Delgan, who looks down at the merchant. Delgan puts the heel of his foot down on the merchant's wound. "ARGHH" The merchant screams. Delgan looks into his eyes. "We could show you the same hospitality that you showed those villagers" He offered. Delgan grabs the merchant by his hair and holds his face still. Rose sighs "or... we can go ahead and dispose of you and use this guy for intel instead" Rose counters as she kicks the head merchants still unconscious body on the ground. "especially if we have no use for you, and quite frankly, I don't wanna smell shit all day waiting for you to talk" She added. Delgan lets go of the merchant's hair and walk away from him. Freya stays behind to make sure the merchant doesn't try anything else. Rose speaks again. "Tell you what, you have until dummy here wakes up to tell us what we want to know. otherwise, I'll let my friend here tear you apart limb from limb with just a tree branch while your boss watches so we can get the info out of him... so what's it gonna be."

The merchant was imagining all of this with wide eyed horror. "Please, just let me live! I have money to give you!" The merchant pleads. "or the permits! t- take em. That's what you really want right? take them! Please, let me go" He begs again. Freya looks down with disgust "Oh god let's just kill him already" Freya says coldly. She grabs the merchant's arm and drags him towards a tree. She quickly channels her earth powers. The ground rumbles as vines sprout through the dirt. The vines snatch each of his limbs up, raising him into the air, putting him on display. They wrapped around his wrist and ankles tightly as Freya began her questioning. "how many slaves have you sold this year? No wait, let's ask a better question: how many children have you ripped from their homes" Freya yells angrily. The vines wrapped around him grew and coiled his body like a snake. Freya could hear his armor starting to creak as the vines tightened like ribbons being twisted and pulled. "Ple.. please.. stopp" a weak voice called from beside her. Freya snaps her head in the direction of the voice and locks eyes with a little girl. Her heart stops and her stomach turns. "Sylvie?" Freya's voice broke as if a rock was in her throat. The anger became replaced with anguish and the vines behind her loosened as the vision of her sister disappeared. Freya turned to the mortified merchant who was still tangled in her earthly magic. Freya looked coldly at him. "she just saved your life". She muttered. Rose watched the encounter Freya had with the merchant. "Yeah she's definitely not as innocent as she looks.. Slowly losing her mind I see," Rose says, slightly impressed and for a moment she could have sworn Freya was speaking to someone else, someone who wasn't really there. Rose walked over to Freya. With her back to the hanging merchant she muttered "hey, I got this. Keep an eye on that other guy for me, okay?". Without a word, Freya nodded and moved to guard the unconscious man.

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