Ghostly Envisions

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Freya Pov

    As the traveler, now known as Grimm leaves, Freya begins to speak. "When I was in the Calbridge archives, I found pages of notes. A doctor had written about subject 321... and I'm positive he was talking about Sylvie'' a somber look flashes on her face. "She was their prisoner.. they tortured her..experimented on her...I know my sister and she wouldn't hurt a fly, but the doctor that wrote the report was terrified of her. He said she would kill them all and they would all burn for what they did '' Freya added coldly trying to numb the rage that was rising within her. She closed her eyes, focused on her mental barrier, and tried to stop the darkness from seeping in. "Don't let it control you, can't let it control you" she chants with deep breaths.

     While looking up to face Rose and Delgan, Freya catches a glimpse of Sylvie. "I know she's close by, I can feel it" she persists. Her hand goes to the scar just below her collarbone. She painfully remembered the day she lost her sister while still staring at the ghostlike image of Sylvie behind Rose and Delgan. " me" the fictitious Sylvie plead. Freya's mental barrier begins to weaken at the sight of Sylvie's illusionary image moving closer to her, reaching out to her. "Stop it, you're not really here!" Freya shouts startling Rose and Delgan. Freya stumbles backward moving away from the Sylvie projection. "You promised to protect me Frey..and YOU FAILED," Sylvie's voice said in a monstrous tone causing Freya to fall to the floor in fear.

     Her heart was beating fast and her emotions ran wild. She could feel herself start to lose control. The darkness forced its way through while Sylvie moved closer and closer, finally backing Freya into a corner. Sylvie grabs hold of her wrist. Freya watched as Sylvie's eyes rolled back in her head. A black hue grew from where Sylvie's hands gripped Freya's wrist. The color instantly began to drain from Freya's hands as Sylvie sucked the life out of them. Her veins darkened and her hands wrinkled and shriveled up as they decayed right before her eyes. Was Sylvie trying to kill her? Freya trembled as the agony of Sylvie's death magic drained her life magic. "ahhhhhh" Freya's screams of pain caused Rose to rush forward as the ground around them shook and threatened to rip open. "Freya stop, it's not real" Rose demands. Flashes and bits of pictures flow through Freya's mind. Blurry images formed a dark room barely lit by candles. In the darkness, were two small figures in the middle of the room. Freya could hear the chanting of some sort. Trying to force the picture to be clearer, she could see that the figure that was chanting was a young woman and what lay in front of her was a man... Freya could see the fear in the man's eyes as the young woman raised her hands. Black smoke emitted from her hands and forced its way into the man's body causing him to convulse uncontrollably. Blood poured from his mouth. His screams of suffering echo through Freya's mind as she watches the life leave his eyes. All that was left was the menacing laughter of the woman. 'it can't be' Freya pleads desperately at the image. She looks up to meet the young woman's eyes. "Sylvie?" Freya cries out. She reaches for her sister only for her to disappear in front of her. The vision fades away only leaving the feeling of pain and anguish..."Freya...Freya FREYA!!" Rose yells, slapping Freya across the face, bringing her back to reality "what did you see?" Rose cautiously asked not wanting to upset Freya again. Freya looked at her hands. They were back to normal. She looked around to find everything just the way it was. Sylvie wasn't trying to kill her, it was a vision. "I found her... I know where she is" Freya finally choked out. Her voice was so small like life had been drained from her just like the man she saw in her vision.

       Rose and Delgan look at her in disbelief as Freya goes on to explain what she saw in her vision. "It was so dark and barely lit up by candles. I couldn't make out much at first, only that there were two figures in the middle of the room, and someone was chanting a spell.." Freya stopped not wanting to continue. "She sacrificed him" Freya croaked as tears threatened to spill from her eyes " I uh..." Freya bit her lip to stop it from quivering. "I think she's in the catacombs" she finished. Delgan's face turned to worry "that's not good if he's controlling the town people he most likely is controlling your sister as well" he decided. "Then let's cook up a plan then. no time to waste" Rose announced. Delgan's face becomes serious. "Ok, this is what we're going to do. Rose, we need a distraction. Since it's already night we should set fire to the soldier's encampment" Delgans face becomes devious "Freya, you free all the slaves and tell them to run while the soldiers are busy with the fire." he adds. Freya nods. "I'll handle the guards in front of the catacombs. That is where we will regroup." he continued. "Once those guys are out the way, we can figure a way through the catacombs and save Freya's sister" Delgans face become menacing, "we ice that fucking lich, save the people of this town and go home with a flawless mission completion!"

     The three of them accept the plan and gather their things. Everyone in the tavern was completely out of it, they hadn't acknowledged Grimm and Rose's encounter, Freya's outburst, or Delgan's planning. It was like they weren't even there. Freya and Delgan head out the door, but Rose lingers for a moment looking around. She felt saddened for the people frozen in time. She looked at them and sighed. "We're gonna save you guys" she promised. Before she exited, Rose saw an untouched loaf of bread on one of the tables. She looked at the stupified villagers for a second before quickly grabbing the loaf. "Just a little something for the road" she mused. With one last look, Rose stuffs the bread inside her bag and heads out to begin her mission.

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