Chapter Forty One

Start from the beginning

"Nothing to be sorry for, sweetheart. It's how life goes." She grabs my clothes and puts them in a bag. "You want to keep them?" I shake my head. "Didn't think so," she ties the bag before tossing it in the trash bin.

"Thank you," I pull her into a hug.

"No problem, I'll leave you with these scrubs and wipes for your friend." Opening the door, Xavion leans against the wall.

He send me a small smile, which I don't return. We walk back into the waiting room, where two doctors are walking into as well.

"Looking for the family of Elias Lemont." The first one says. The entire room except one couple stands up, and the doctors eyebrows arch. He glances around the room, not believing that everyone here is Elias' family. Kaleb and I walk up to him. I hand the scrubs to Xavion, waiting on the doctor to continue. "Okay, well," he looks around the room once more before clearing his throat. "The surgery went as well as possible. We're watching for post operative infection, but he will make a full recovery." A weight is lifted off of my heart and all of the men in the room clap. "Popular guy," the doctor smiles, patting my arm. "Once he's out of the pacu I'll come let you know when you can see him." He turns and walks away.

The other doctor doesn't look as enthusiastic. "Family of Mateo Michael's?"

Everyone remains standing, and he looks like he might shit himself. "Thought so.  Mateo is in a coma." He looks to me, seeing as I'm the least intimidating person in the room. "We removed the bullet, and we did our best to repair the internal injuries. However, at this time we're unsure if or when he'll wake up. He shows signs of very minimal brain activity."

Tears swell in my eyes, my hand resting over my heart. "So what does that mean? Is he dead?" Kaleb asks, his face turning red as he fights off his emotions.

"Right now he is alive, but he is in sleep that we don't have enough medical information to know if he'll be able to wake up from or not."

"Then find the medical information!" Kaleb yells, grabbing the doctors coat. Two of the guys standing near him pull him back.

The doctor stumbles a bit, his face turning pink. "I-we are doing are best under the circumstances. I understand your frustration. This isn't easy information to take in, but I will update you." He goes to walk away.

"Can I see him?" My voice cracks.

The doctor stops momentarily. "He is allowed two visitors at a time. You can follow me." He motions towards the hall. We walk deeper into the ICU, Kaleb trailing close behind me. "Please prepare yourselves." We walk into the room, the doctor opening the curtain.

He lays in the bed, tube in his mouth. An IV is in his arm and a blood pressure cuff is on his bicep. The small beeping of a machine lets us know he's alive, but that's the only way we would know. His skin is pale, besides the parts of him that's bruised.

"I'll give you two some privacy," the doctor walks away. I walk towards the bed, grabbing his warm hand in mine. It's unreactive, just sets heavily in my hand. I lean my forehead on the back of it, letting myself sob in the comfort of his presence.

"Mateo," I hear Kaleb begin talking but I don't look up. I just run my finger on the back of his hand. "Look, we need you. Fuck, I need you. You took me out of the streets, you gave me a home. Shit, you gave me a fucking family." His voice is heavy with tears. "Neil is gone. I saw his body laid out on the floor. He is dead. I can't lose you, I can't lose you too." I look up to see him in his knees with Mateo's other hand in his. "I know I ask for a lot, but I'm asking you to wake up. I'll never ask for shit again." He rambles on.

I'd think if you were in the lifestyle that they are all in, one would be used to death. But seeing Kaleb vulnerable in this moment, I understand nothing prepares you for a death like this. He looks lost, broken even. "You, Elias, and Neil man, you were all I had. I'm going to keep my promise until you wake up. We're all going to protect your girl like our own. She's in safe hands." He smiles at Mateo's body. The smile doesn't reach his eyes. It is forced, almost as if he's trying to convince himself of some better outcome of this situation.

I breakdown, every fiber of my being wanting to curl into the bed with him and tell him it's okay. But I can't, and they're unsure if I'll ever be able to again. "Baby," I mumble against his hand. "I need you." A hiccup interrupts my sentence. "I love you."

There's a million things I want to say, a million prayers that I want to pray. I want to scream and shout. Tell him we just are getting started, that we have a whole life left to live together. A million more memories that have to be made. However, I love you seems to be the only words I can coherently say.

A knock sounds through the room, causing us both to look up. The doctor from Elias' surgery stands in the doorway. "Sorry to interrupt, but when you're ready Elias is in room 1165. Three doors to your right when you walk out."

"Thank you." I nod in his direction. I lean up, giving Mateo a kiss on the forehead. "I'll be back, my love."

Kaleb follows me out the room, our movements slow as we head towards Elias'. Two nurses are in here, setting up the bags for the IV.

"Baby," his raspy voice comes out just above a whisper.

I rush to his side, giving him a soft kiss. "I love you," I whisper, silent tears rolling down my cheeks.

I'm so tired of crying.

"I love you too, princess." His arm weakly lifts to my cheek to caress it. He sends Kaleb a sloppy smile.

"Glad to see you awake, boss." He sits down next to Elias. I notice him wiping his face to make sure Elias doesn't see his tears. It almost makes me smile.

"How's Mateo?" He asks as the nurses walk out of the room.

There it is- silence. A heartbreaking, but wrenching silence. How do you tell a man that his best friend might never wake up? The one individual you've spent almost every day with since you were a young child. Kaleb looks to me, I look at him. He nods his head in encouragement.

I take Elias' hand in mine, not able to look him in they eye. "They aren't sure, baby. They just aren't sure yet." A small sob comes through my chest.

"What, what do you mean? Is he still in surgery?" I look up to his swollen face.

I shake my head, biting my lip to prevent myself from having yet another breakdown. "He's out of surgery but he hasn't woken up. They don't know if he'll ever wake up, baby. They don't know."

Elias just looks forward, not saying a word. He stays like that for awhile. We all do. Moments pass, and I hear Elias sigh. I look up at him, tears rolling down from his eyes. I lean up, softly wiping them away. "He's strong, he's going to wake up. He has to." I send him the best smile I can. In response he nods his head to the best of his ability. His eye is almost swollen shut, his lip and eyebrow both busted with stitches.

There's a light knock on the door, Tameka walking through. "Glad to see you awake, Mr. Lamont. You think you could help me convince your lady to get her head checked out?" She smiles brightly.

His eyes snap to me in suspicion, looking at the blood that covers my roots. "Michelle," he groans out sternly. "Go, I'm not going anywhere." I fight off a pout, giving him a quick kiss before following her out of the cold room.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, are they both your boyfriends?" She asks as we walk into a room. Her voice holds no judgment, just simple curiosity. She puts on some gloves, waiting on my response.

"Yeah, the best two men a woman could ever dream of having." I fiddle with my fingers.

She starts messing with my head, carrying on small conversation. She was right in it needing stitches. The whole process takes about twenty minutes.

"One last thing," she hands me a cup. "Go pee for me." She smiles. I don't question her, realizing I haven't used the bathroom since I was at work. I hand her it back when I'm done, taking the pain pills that she gives me.

"Sign these and you're good to go back to your men." I do as she says, but she sits on the bed next to me. "I hate to bring this on in the midst of it all, but-" I look at her in confusion.

"You're pregnant."

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