Chapter Thirty Six

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And the moment we have all been waiting for.

Also this chapter is dedicate to axrainnxa
I appreciate the love & support.

Mateo's POV

Pulling into the warehouse, cars litter the open space. My men have been waiting so patiently for our arrival.

When we walk into the cold and damp room, I'm pleased to see Xavion had beaten us here. His fists are relentlessly diving into Chris' abdomen. Riley sits beside him, both tied to a chair sitting back to back. Blood is splattered across the tarp that sits under them, and they're both almost unrecognizable. My men have clearly enjoyed their alone time.

Xavion has been with us for a few years. He's quiet and timid, he always has a soft spot for the defenseless like women or children.

"Xavion," I speak. He stops with the sound of my voice, taking a step back. His nostrils are flared, his body going up and down with his labored breathing. I roll my sleeves up as I come to stand in front of Chris. Elias stands behind me, rolling his neck.

"You know, my plan was to make this quick and easy. A simple clean up, and keep my life pushing. However," I pick up a knife. "You killed our child." I shrug, and I hear my men start to talk amongst themselves angrily. "You'll die slowly, painfully." I slice through his pants, letting the knife scraped his leg on the way down. I take part of a rag, stuffing it into his mouth after hearing his pathetic scream. "Don't be a bitch now, Chris. You had ample opportunity to walk away from our woman. Isn't that right, Elias?"

"Ample opportunity." Elias confirms. I then rip off his nasty underwear.

"This, my dear friend, is a gift from Kinsley." I slash through one of his nuts, watching blood squirt out on impact. He writhes under the ropes, sweat beading down his forehead.

"God damn," I hear Kaleb whisper. The room is silent, watching me do what I'm best at.

I shrug my shoulders, stabbing right through his already damaged dick and leaving the knife there. I can't help but smile at the chopped up skin that Michelle chewed on. That's our girl.

I stand to my feet, enjoying my art work so far. "Beautiful," I smile sadistically.

Elias pushes passed me, and my eyes widen as he starts to punch Chris with everything in him. "You stupid piece of shit," he yells out between each punch. I've never seen him so angry, I've never seen him actually harm someone. He always stands by and watches. He backs up, blood dripping from his knuckles. Chris' eyes are swollen shut. "Nah, stay awake, bitch!" He slaps him, squishing his face. "You're going to feel every ounce of pain we give you."

"Every man in here that feels comfortable doing so, we're going to play a game." Elias says, walking over to grab a pocket knife. It's one used to gut deer, and I can't help but smile at his choice. "We're going to take turns, stabbing this woman beating piece of shit until he bleeds out. I'd prefer if you try and avoid major arteries, seeing as I want to drag this out as long as possible. Between his knee and his mangled dick this won't last long, so let's make it quick and fun. All that choose to participate will be given an extra five thousand dollars on top of your normal pay. Understood?"

"Fuck yeah," Neil yells out, jumping a bit in place.

I glance to Xavion that smiles sickeningly. Little does he know he's already going to be gifted fifteen, on top of this five.

Elias turns to me, his eyes swollen and dull. It honestly hurts me to see him this way. I've had a wallbuilt up for so long, I'm better at masking my feelings. It's a part of who I am.

"Let's start, shall we?" Elias grins, flipping the knife open and stabbing Chris in the gut. "That's for our child, you sick piece of shit." He says in Chris' ear before pulling the knife out.

He turns to me, holding out the bloody weapon. I take it happily, jamming the knife into Chris' other knee. His body convulses in pain, and I twist the knife as I retract it.

Everyone looks at me, excited for their turn. I hand it over to Xavion. He's always been one of our nicest men, extremely intelligent but not very intimidating. He walks up to Chris, straddling his body before jamming the knife deep into his shoulder. Chris cries through the rag, I'm sure begging for us to end this quicker. Tears roll down his bloody and bruised face.

Riley cries silently, listening to his friends painful death sentence. Don't worry, you're next.

The cycle goes for one full round before Chris is either unconscious or dead. Every man took a shot, not surprising me at the least. When it comes back to Elias, he makes sure the bastard is dead with a deep cut to his neck. We're all covered in blood, and the tarp has a fucking river of blood on it.

"Burn in hell, bitch." I smile in content.

"Did you think we forgot about you, Riley?" I slowly walk around to face him, a taunting smile on my lips.

"I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry I had no idea what his intentions were. Please." He begs, and it's pathetic honestly.

"You knew he was in jail for a live restraining order on the woman you helped kidnap. You knew he was a woman beater, right?" Elias screams, grabbing him by his shirt.

Riley doesn't respond, he lets the guilt overtake him and he just cries. I have no sympathy. I take out my gun from behind my back, blowing his brains out quick and easily.

"Fuck!" Elias screams, knocking over a table in his rage.

His body is covered in grime and blood, and so is mine. I walk over to him, despite all the stares from the men that are around us and I hug him. He hugs me back, crying angrily into my shirt. "We should've protected her, man." He chokes out.

A lone tear slips from my eye, but I wipe it before it is noticed. "We'll do better." I mumble.

Once he's done we pull away, I pat his back before we all get started on cleaning ourselves and the warehouse.

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