Part 4 - Surprise

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2 days later and I still haven't heard from him. By now I've realized he's full of words and just playing me. I'm sure he'll text or call me when he wants us to meet again. Textbook playboy behavior.

I get ready for work and arrive on time. It's the morning shift today so it's pretty early. And let's not mention how much of a morning person I'm not. I get a cup of coffee for myself until the first customers arrive and I have to start working.

A couple of hours later I hear a lot of noise coming from outside. It sounds like people talking, or whispering. I go towards them but find my boss midway, who stops me and grabs me by my shoulders.

"Zoe, please remain calm after what I say" he says, making me worry a little.

"What is it?"

"Tony Stark is outside and wants you, personslly, to take his order" he says and I can't tell if he's more excited or frightened.

"He's here!?" I ask surprised.

"Yes, but remember when we agreed you'd stay calm?" he asks calmly.

"Okay, okay. How do I look?" he looks at me weirdly, not sure what it has to do with anything.

"Beautiful, as always. Now go, you've got this. Don't keep him waiting for too long, he's the best customer we could've asked for" he pats my shoulders and I nod.

I take a deep breath and then stand in front of a mirror to check myself out. I fix my hair as much as I can and adjust my clothes. Then I start my way outside. It doesn't take me long to realize where he's sitting. There's a lot of people close to the table. Some talking to Tony, some taking pictures and some staring, not sure if they have the courage to approach him. He clears his throat when he sees me and politely asks everybody to clear the space, which takes a few moments it happens eventually.

"Hey, beautiful" he says at me, smiling.

"Hey, stranger" I fake smile at him.

"Ouch" he replies.

"Sit with me" he shows me the chair next to him.

"Tony, I'm working" I sigh.

"Come on, everybody needs a break sometimes"

I shake my head and turn around to see where my boss is.

"See him? That's my boss. He won't like it if I sit with you instead of working and, frankly, I can't afford being unemployed" I explain.

"Of course" he smiles.

"Hello, sir" he yells, obviously at my boss.

"Is it okay if Zoe sits with me for a while? She says she can't because she's working" Tony continues when he has his attention.

"Of course, Mr. Stark. Take as much time as you need" he says and I close my eyes, feeling Tony's amusement.

"So" he smiles and pulls the chair for me.

I exhale deeply and finally give in. I sit next to him and try to ignore the fact that I feel everybody staring at me. He slowly turns to look at me and normally places his hand in between my crossed thighs.

"I hate you" I whisper so only he can hear me but he smiles.

"Now, see? That's not very polite. I organized my entire schedule today to be able to be here" he says and moves his thumb slowly on my skin.

"Stop that" I whisper between my teeth.

"Alright" he replies, pulling his hand from me and resting it on his own thigh.
"Why are you mad at me?" he focuses on me with half closed eyes.

"Really, Tony? You want to do this in front of all these people?" I look around.

"No one's listening, don't worry" he reassures me.

"Fine" I gulp.

"You left me alone that morning at your place and then even when you said we'd spend more time together we still didn't talk at all" I say with disappointment.

He looks at me, seeming completely focused. He takes a few seconds of not speaking, apparently to torture me. I'm dying inside and yet he seems as calm as ever.

"I'm sorry for leaving that morning, but you should know that's what I do. I don't really sleep so I get up very early. I can't wait for you to wake up. I made sure you'd find everything and anything you needed though, that I could do" he explains.

"Thank you for that" I say and he takes a strand of my hair which he places behind my ear nicely.

"And about the other part, we're together now, aren't we?" he asks.

"Yes...I just-, nevermind" I stop myself.

"Hey, talk to me" he places his arm around my back.

"I just thought we'd be together...more often" my heartbeat increasing.

"I'm doing my best, I promise. I simply have many things to do" he shrugs, being as cute as ever.

Things is what we call women now.

"Fine, can I get your order now?" I ask him, feeling bad that I haven't been working for so long.

He orders a cup of coffee and I leave to go inside. I handle a few tables that I completely ignored all this time but thankfully my coworkers covered me a lot. I return to Tony with his coffee a few minutes later and serve it carefully.

"Thank you, dear" he smiles at me.

"How's the studying going?" he asks and takes his first sip.

"Could be better but I study whenever I find time"

"Work must be slowing you down a lot"

"Kind of. But I'm managing" I try to sound as convincing as I can.

"You know I can help with that if you want" he replies in full seriousness.

"I know, but it's still a no. This is my final semester anyway" I smile at him.

"As you wish" he nods and finishes his coffee with another sip.

He gets his wallet out and goes through it. He takes some money out of it and hands it to me.

"Are you still uncomfortable with the people around or am I allowed to kiss you?" he whispers.

"Please never ask that again" I chuckle.

He smirks and stands up. Then he pulls me in strongly by my waist and gives me a good taste of his perfect lips. He leaves me with my eyes closed and a smile written on my lips after he pulls away.

"Keep the change" he says and wears his jacket.

"What? Tony, that's a 100$ bill" I say, shocked.

"I know" he replies like it's nothing.

"For a coffee!" I continue with the same shocked tone.

"What can I say? I loved the service" he smiles at me.

I exhale deeply and shake my head, not knowing if I should laugh about it or feel like he's doing this out of pity.

"Thank you, Mr. Stark" I smile back at him.

"The pleasure was all mine, Ms. Reeves" he winks at me and leaves.

No one here asked me about it but I could feel them staring at me with so many questions. After all, I just kissed Tony Stark in the middle of my shift without ever mentioning before that I even knew him. But, at the end of the day, what matters is that this was a very pleasant surprise.

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