Chapter 164

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The wound on Guan Hongshan’s arm was accidentally exposed in the live broadcast room

Everyone I saw was moved!


“The team’s arm is so big… can it work?”

“This has to be dealt with as soon as possible!”

However, what is brushed on the barrage at the same time is not just about the problem of the wound on Hongshan’s arm.

“That person jumped out of the car and died?”

“What the hell is going on? That person said it was the clue provided by Lin Ci? What’s the situation?

“Who is this person? After the team closed the team, they said they started to act… Isn’t it the act from the beginning?”

“My God… I’ve been watching, but I don’t feel like I have seen anything.

“Where is Lin Ci now? What is he doing?”

Such discussions swept across the sky.

However, for the program group working in the director room, all this glaring is undoubtedly a relief for them.

In this case, it is the best situation for them to be able to complete the state without death or injury.

Chen Zhaoyang could only breathe a sigh of relief at this time: “09 final work… final work is a solution to this matter.”

The director also wiped the cold sweat on his forehead: “Fortunately, the team reacted quickly enough to drag the old lady back.”

“Otherwise, our show is going to be gone.”

Chen Zhaoyang didn’t comment on Director Qian’s words, he just took a sigh of relief, and then changed the subject:

“Fortunately, nothing else is happening now.”

“Besides… I don’t want to show Lin Ci when I watch this show.”

“Since I said that Lin Ci’s camera is damaged… Then just proceed according to the facts of the damage.” Next, let’s rely on Lin Ci how to play… I want to see what else he can give us.

Surprise! After saying this, Chen Zhaoyang did not continue to stay, but turned around and left directly

However, when the director heard such words, the director was a little stunned.

But he immediately thought of another thing. He turned back to her husband and looked at Chen Zhaoyang slightly.

“Is this because of what kind of help Lin Ci provided to the fans?” asked:

“Because this reduces the difficulty for him?”

Chen Zhaoyang snorted coldly, then became somewhat self-conscious: “Reduce the difficulty?

“Bai Ran has reduced the difficulty.”

“But the difficulty is lowered for ourselves”

“Who knows what this guy can do!?”

He finished speaking and left the directing room directly.

But these deep meanings hidden in his words make the director feel a bit cold

“This is……”

Create a small

The director suddenly wanted to understand something. In the past, he thought that Lin Ci was a very intelligent teacher, and his personality should be very gentle.

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