Chapter 18

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Its been two weeks since the accident and things have been good

A bit annoying, but good

The guys have been so helpful and caring but seriously they are acting as if I have both legs and arms broken

If the see me walking down the stairs they will immediately run to me and grab my hand as if I'm 5 years old or if I go to get a glass from the shelf they will immediately come and grab it for me

Like okay I appreciate the attention but please stop

Anyways today I'm going to the police station because they called me for some news they found about the accident so I was getting ready in my room after I took a bath

Michael is going with me because the rest of the guys are working till late and they all decided that it'll be safer if I try to have someone by my side until things cool down a bit

Honestly after the accident I feel even more nervous than before with Jackson I don't know why but I have a bad feeling all the time

"Soph are you ready?" Michael said from my bedroom door pulling me back to reality

"Yes" I said with a small smile and nodded

After I grabbed my things and put on shoes we headed to the car

As I went to the drivers seat I stopped when Michael grabbed the door before I could close it

"Ah ah ah you're not driving" Michael said

"What?Why?"I said dumbfounded

"Because your ribs are still healing and driving can cause irritation" Michael explained to me

"Come on dude it's literally been 2 weeks since the accident I can drive, my ribs don't hurt anymore" I said as I was getting more irritated

He looked at me for a few seconds before narrowing his eyes

"Okay"he said

"Than-" I said but he cut me off before I could finish

"Hey before we go can you grab me my hoodie from the back seat?" He asked me and I turned my body around to grab his hoodie but a shooting pain from my ribs made me stop and turn around taking a deep breath

"That's what I thought" Michael said with a disapproving tone

"You did this on purpose" I said while holding my ribs and shooting daggers with my eyes at him

"No shit Sherlock , now pass me the keys" Michael said while holding his hand out waiting for the keys

"Sometimes I really want to punch you in the face you know that?"I said while handing him the keys and getting out of the car

"Yeah yeah I know, now stop acting like a child and get in the car" Michael said

The drive was about 10 minutes and it passed quickly but as the minutes were passing I was getting more and more nervous about the news

"We're here" Michael said as he parked the car and turned off the engine

I took a deep breath

"Sophia everything is going to be fine don't worry about anything I promise you I will be with you at all times"he said

"I know I know , I don't know why I'm nervous , it's a good thing they have news" I said

"Let's go champ" Michael said smiling and we headed inside

After we went inside we waited for the chief of the police to call us to his office

"Sophia Holdge?"a man around his late fifties asked

"Yes that's me" I said while I stoop up shaking his hand

"It's really nice to meet you please come in" he said after he shook hands with Mike

"Okay so we found out where she lives and we brought her in to ask her some questions about the accident" he said looking at me

"Apparently all she needed to give us information was to tell her we would give her back the drugs we found at her house" he said rolling his eyes

"So did you find why she did it?" I asked

"Yes after we convinced her we would give back her drugs she said to us that her boyfriend made her do it" he said

"Her boyfriend? Why would her boyfriend care about me?" I asked more confused

"Let me rephrase that, your ex boyfriend wanted her to hit you as a message" he said as I stood frozen


He did it because I refuse to take him back

I felt a hand at my knee which was shaking like crazy

"Sophie?" Michael said to me looking at my eyes

"I- I- wh- I don't know what to say" I said still in shock

"You're sure it's her ex?"Michael asked

"Yes and let me tell you something, that man needs to be in jail , I've known him for a while because of his brother working in the police department" he said

"I've tried to get him in jail many times but his brother always took away every evidence and without evidence nothing is possible in court" he continued " but with the evidence we have from his beloved girlfriend and with your statement we can finally put him in jail for good" he said making me exhale a huge breath o was holding

"You think we can do that? Like actually put him in jail?"I asked feeling a huge relief

"Yes I believe we have the power and the evidence to finally lock him up" he said

"Oh my god, oh my god Michael I'm gonna be free" I said looking at him with tears in my eyes and a huge smile

"I told you Soph , the asshole is going down" he said smiling back at me

*Hello beautiful people❤️Truth is I was stuck for a long time and I didn't know if I wanted to continue this story but I'm back and the goal is to finish it!!Thank you so much for your patience and support I love y'all ❤️❤️

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