Chapter 8

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It has been about 10 minutes trying to find Emma's parents asking around and calling their names but we haven't found them yet

My ankle was starting to hurt more and I was limping but I wasn't going to give up cause I know how scary that must be for Emma

"Soph sit down for a bit" Luke said to me as he saw me limping and hissing

"I will sit down when we find her parents" I said back looking around

"You're only causing more pain walking, you can sit down and I will find them" he said back trying to make me sit down

As I was about to disagree again with him I saw 2 people walking away from the bar with snacks and water bottles

"Helen, Sam!" I said running towards them ignoring the pain shooting my ankle

They both looked at my direction with confusion written on their faces waiting for me to catch up with them

"Hi are you Emma's parents?" I asked almost out of breath and Luke came by my side at the same time

"Yes, why is she okay?" Helen said concerned

"She will be, she got stung by a jellyfish and I helped her get to the shore, my friends are all doctors and they are helping her" I said as the both looked shocked and worried

"Come I'll take you to her" I said and turned around to walk back to Emma and the guys

At this point I was struggling to walk from the pain and my foot was swollen and red , it also burned and itched but I was determined to help Emma and her parents

Suddenly I felt an arm wrap around my waist lifting some of my weight

"Try and lean to me don't put too much pressure you've already irritated it more than you should" Luke said as he helped me

After walking for about 5 minutes we were back to the guys and Emma

Emma seemed calmer and she was laughing while the guys wrapped her leg with some kind of bandage

They always had a way with calming people down even when they were in pain and I always admired that

"Baby are you okay?"Her mother said as she kneeled besides her

"Your daughter is very brave" Ashton said as he was finishing wrapping her leg

Emma smiled and looked at her mom

"Thank you so much for helping out daughter"Her dad said to all of us

"No big deal we are just glad we were here to help" Michael said

They helped Emma stand up and told her the basics about taking care of her leg and after that Emma hugged as all and her parents thanked us for the millionth time before they left

Luke lifted me and put me down to the beach chair

"Luke I could've walked it was literally 5 steps away" I said as he put me down

"Yeah well you walked enough in that ankle" he said sarcastically

"Cal bring a water bottle, the cream and bandage" Luke said and Calum went around grabbing the things they needed

"You got stung too" Michael asked as he kneeled in front of me and carefully picked up my foot

"No I'm just faking it" I said back jokingly

"Ha ha you're so funny Soph" he said as he completely focused on my leg

"You clearly irritated way too much" Calum said as he sat besides Michael looking at my foot too and I rolled my eyes

"Okay squeeze Luke's hand cause this is going to sting badly" Calum said as he grabbed the water bottle and Michael holded my ankle carefully

I grabbed Luke's hands and as soon as the water touched my ankle I hissed and tried pulling my foot away but Michael and Calum pulled it back to them

"Ow!Ahhh shhiii-"I said as I hissed and squeezed Luke's hands with all my strength

"Almost done Soph" Michael said as I threw my head back and closed my eyes

Ashton being the sweetheart he always is came behind me and massaged my shoulders to ease the pain I was feeling

"Okay done"Calum said as he pulled the water bottle away and I sighed in relief as I opened my eyes and looked at my foot

"Luke pass me the towel behind you" Calum said and Luke passed him the towel

He lightly dried my ankle tapping it carefully not to hurt me even though it stinged really bad either way

"Okay deep breath cause this is going to sting too"Michael said as he started applying a cream

"Jesus Christ guys!" I said and they all left a little laugh

"That's what you get for walking around and getting sand on your ankle after being stung by a jellyfish"Calum said and I groaned

"Thanks you're so sympathetic" I said back sarcastically

The cream was starting to feel good as it felt cold on my swollen and red ankle and I sighed in relief

"It's feels cold" I said looking down at my ankle

"Yeah it's a cold cream to relief the burning sensation and the swelling" Ashton said from behind me and I nodded

"Okay you're done with the hard part now we are just going to wrap it so you don't get any bacteria or dirt on it" Calum said as he started wrapping my ankle with Michaels help

"All done hero"Michael said as he lightly put my leg back to the ground

"Thank you" I said back

After that we hang out for about 2 hours at the beach just talking, drinking and eating before we finally picked up our things and drove back home

*How do you like the book so far? What do you think about the guys relationship with Sophia?
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