Chapter 7

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After my panic attack the guys have been checking on me regularly and asking me if I'm okay

I really appreciate their help and I know that the whole Jackson incident is scaring them too but they are hiding it from me so I won't get more worried than I already am

Today we decided to go to the beach so that we can all have a day away from the stress of the work and from the whole Jackson thing

"Are you guys ready?" I said from the kitchen where I was packing some snacks and some water bottles

"Yeah coming!"Michael said back and I saw them coming downstairs

"Nice swimsuit Soph" Calum said mocking me as they all looked at me from up and down

I can't wait for them to see the back of my bikini when I take of my shorts

The guys always made sexual jokes with me and I knew they all liked how I looked but I also knew that they would never say anything seriously because we are best friends

We all liked joking around

I am wearing a hot pink swimsuit that shows a little bit more my body parts and curves and I knew the guys would totally comment on that but I loved seeing their reactions

"Thanks Cal" I said back smiling

"Ready?" I said and turned around to walk to the car

They all followed and I got in the passengers seat while Ashton drove and the rest of the boys sat at the back

We all sang and laughed at the whole ride until we finally arrived at the beach after about an hour

We all helped with the things that we brought for the beach and we could finally enjoy the sun and the water

I slowly took of my shorts to reveal my hot pink almost thong like swimsuit and I laid my towel down on the sand so than I could tan before going in the water

"Nice ass Sophie"Luke said and I rolled my eyes

"Thank my mom she is the one she gave it to me" I said back and the all laughed

I could literally feel all of the guys eyes on me

"Are you going to stare or are you going to enjoy the beach?" I asked sarcastically

"Nah I'm good" Michael said

"Yeah me too" Ashton said agreeing with Michael

I knew they were all joking like but as I said we all had this relationship were we all messed with each other for fun

After 20 minutes of tanning I was getting really hot so I decided to finally go in the water

"I'm going in are you guys coming?" I asked as I stood up

"Yeah" the all said and I made my way to the water

It was kinda cold so I took slow steps until the water touched my thighs

"Jump in Soph" Ashton said as they all approached me

"It's cold" I said back with slight goosebumps

"The faster you jump in the faster your body is going to get used to the temperature" he said back as I turned my head to the water

Huge mistake

I felt all of the boys splash me and push me in the water and after that they all jumped in with me

"You're assholes" I said back faking my annoyance

After that we all messed around in the water, we fought with each other and  it was really nice

The water was actually getting warmer by the time

"We're going out you coming?" Calum asked and I shook my head

"No I think I'm going to stay for a little longer you guys go ahead" I said as I swam farther

I always liked the beach and how the ocean felt

It felt so carefree and I loved the feeling of the water hugging my body it was oddly refreshing

As I was swimming I saw a little girl around 14 crying and almost drowning so I quickly swam to her to help her

"Are you okay sweetheart?" I asked as soon as I was closer to her

"Help me!Help me!"she said panicking and trying to hold into me

"Okay okay can you tell what wrong?" I asked her as I tried to calm her down

"Something bit me and now my leg hurts so bad" she said crying

"Okay can you swim with me to the shore?" I asked and she just hugged me almost taking me down with her

"You need to let go of me because we're both going to drown" I said slightly panicking

"No please I can't!" She cried pushing me down the water

As soon as my head was out of the water I took a deep breath and tried swimming to the shore

I was halfway through when I felt a stinging at my ankle and I hissed immediately

"Guys!Cal, Luke!"I screamed as I was closer to the shore and I saw all of them run to me 

Ashton and Michael quickly picked up the girl and led her to the sand as I fell to my knees breathing heavily and coughing trying to calm down

"You okay? What happend?"Calum asked me as both him and Luke kneeled to my side

"I'm okay just trying to catch my breath" I said breathless

"What happend though?" Luke asked

"I saw her crying and almost drowning and I swam to her to help her , she said that something bit her i think it was a jellyfish or something" I said quickly

"Okay let's get you dry come on" Calum said as they both helped me stand up

My ankle really hurted but I ignored it for now cause I was worried about the little girl

The guys wrapped me in a towel and I went to the girl who was now laying down I'm the sand while Michael and Ashton helped her

"Hey sweetie you're okay" I said while I kneeled beside her caressing her hair to calm her down

"It hurts" she said with tears

"I know but Michael and Ashton are helping you don't worry" I said

"What's your name?" I asked her trying to distract her

"Emma" she said back

"Emma! I love this name one of my best friends name is Emma" I said

"Where are your parents honey?" I asked her confused that her parents are not here

"They left to bring snacks and water" she said and I searched for them

"What are their names?" I asked her

"Helen and Sam" she said and I nodded

"Okay I'm going to go find them for you, you just try and stay calm alright?" I said and she nodded

I stood up and to go and search for them but Luke grabbed my wrist

"What?" I asked with confusion as he looks at my right ankle that was stung by a jellyfish too signalling me to stay

"I'm fine Luke just let me go find her parents she is scared" I said to him as he looked at me disapprovingly

"Soph you should sit down , if you put weight on your ankle it will hurt more plus you need to clean it and wrap it" he said

"I'll do it after I find her parents" I said as I started walking towards the beach bar

"Fine I'm coming with you then" he said as he followed me

*Not what you expected but don't worry we are going to have some dramasoon

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