Chapter 2

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It was now 2am and the guys were having the time of their lives and honestly I can't blame them

They always work these long ass shifts and they get paged at the middle of the night for surgeries and patients

I'm happy they are enjoying their day off

But I'm not happy with my stomach ache because it has gotten way worse and I feel like I'm going to throw up

The guys are not drunk they are just screaming their hearts out and dancing

"I'm going to the toilet" I said to Calum's ear

"You okay? Want me to come with you?"he asked me and I shook my head

"No i will be back in 5" I said and I left to go to the bathroom

After asking 2 people where the toilets were I finally found them and got inside one

I fell to my knees feeling the vomit coming up

After 5 minutes of waiting I finally threw up 2 times until I felt like I couldn't throw up anymore

To say I felt awful would be an understatement

I washed away the taste of the vomit with some water and I washed my hands

I fixed my mascara that had ran down my cheeks as much as I could and I returned to the table

"You okay you were gone for a long time"Calum said to me

"Yeah there was a big line" I lied once again and he nodded

Now that I had threw up my stomach felt slightly better but I was starting to get really tired and i had a headache

I decided I was going to call an Uber and leave earlier since I had a lot of work tomorrow even though it was Saturday

"Hey guys I'm gonna call an Uber cause I'm tired and have a lot of work tomorrow" I said as they all looked at me

"You're gonna leave so early?"Ashton asked and I nodded

"Okay wait we're going to come with you" Luke said and I immediately stopped them

"No no no I'll just get an Uber you don't have to leave so early" I said as they grabbed their things

"Sophia we went out to have fun together plus I'm not letting you leave with an Uber when we could drive home all together" Luke said back as they all nodded and headed towards the exit

"Guys I'm serious you don't have to leave so early I'll just go-" I was cut off my Calum

"Sophia chill we're leaving besides we all have paper work tomorrow too" he said and I just nodded cause I knew they weren't going to let me go home alone

The ride home made me nauseous again and I tried to swallow the urge to vomit again until we were back home

I think the guys have noticed I was hiding something because they were sending me weird looks and asking me if I'm okay all the time

As soon as the door of our apartment opened I ran to the closest bathroom and threw up again


I could see that there was something was wrong with Sophia from the moment we were inside the club but I ignored it cause I thought I was being paranoid

The second she came back from the toilet I knew something was very wrong because she looked pale as hell and her cheeks were flushed more than usual and of course when she said she wanted to go home it was clear that she didn't feel well

As soon as I opened the door she ran to the bathroom and we all heard her throwing up so we ran behind her

I kneeled beside her and I pulled her hair away from her face while I watched her throwing up and dry heaving while barely being able to hold herself up

As a doctor I immediately got worried and I started asking questions as soon as she finished vomiting and I wiped her mouth with a cloth

Michael was also beside her on the other side taking her pulse

"Pulse is high" he said looking at all of us

I put my hand on her forehead feeling for a fever

And of course she had a very high fever

"Sophie talk to us" I said to her while rubbing her back as she leaned her head at the toilet seat

"I was doing fine" she said as she groaned

"Clearly you did not" I said back to her

"How much did you drink" I asked her while I tried getting a better look of her face

"Only the two shots of tequila but I don't think that's the problem because I threw them up back at the club" she said and we all looked at each other

"You threw up at the club?" I asked and she nodded

"How many times?" I asked

"Two"she said and I sighed

"Why didn't you tell us we would have left earlier" I said as she lifted her head up looking absolutely drained

"Cause you guys were having fun and you haven't been out for a long time with the shifts and all that" she said looking at us

"Your well being is way more important that a night out Sophie" Ashton said and we all agreed

"Do you feel like you're going to throw up again?"Michael asks her and she shook her head

"Okay let's get up nice and slowly" I said as I grabbed her forearm and Michael grabbed the other

We lifted her up and she swayed a little bit closing her eyes

"I'm dizzy" she said as me and Michael hold her tighter so she wouldn't fall or faint

"Okay open your eyes and focus on me" I said as I touched her face to steady her

She opened her eyes trying to focus on me but she looked disoriented before she could focus

"Okay take a few deep breaths and move your fingers and feet to wake your body" I said and she did as I said taking a few deep breaths and moving lightly her fingers and feet while we supported her in case she fainted

"Okay I'm fine" she said and tried leaving but we stopped her

"Wait a minute we're not done here we need to do a checkup to see what's going on" I said and she rolled her eyes

Sophie hated when she had to be checked up she always wanted to hide things from us in order to avoid us going into "doctor mode" as she said

But there is not way she is getting away with this one

This is going to be hard

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