Fashion Show

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*********************************Author Notes... and Apologies**************************

Hello all, I can't even believe how time has flown by! I know I have not updated this book in so very long! I honestly lost sight of where I was taking this and got a mad case of writer's block. By the time I finally found what angle I wanted to take this book on, I went through some pretty big life events which took me away from a lot of my passions including nearly losing my life. I am better now and have healed from my scare! 

I couldn't believe my eyes when I came back to this and saw my reader platform and that I had won a top 10 Award for #Rebel characters! Thank you all so much, you have breathed life back into me!

To everyone reading, I would like to make a serious note, I am older and a tiny bit wiser so my writing style may be just a smidge different now! Please hang in there! once I am finished with this book I will go back and smooth everything together with a final draft to include an Official name change. 

Welcome or for those faithful few sticking the drought out, welcome back! Here we go again!



I waited patiently... too patiently for someone to enter the study so I could be free of these confining walls. I wanted to roam, and the further my mate went, the more my skin prickled.

Interrupting my moodiness, a perfectly polished man entered the room in one elegant sweep... too elegant. He stopped dead center of my line of sight, sizing me up and down. I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, but not in the typical way I would have expected.

The sandy blonde-haired gentleman pursed his lips in disagreement while shifting all his weight to one hip in a feminine fashion. His stature was rather tall and muscular which would have made the man intimidating if it weren't for his quirky flamboyancy. "hmmmm-mmm, girl no that is just not working for you." My cheeks went ablaze as I looked down my body, feeling a defensive objection rising in me. What is not working? Is this man seriously body shaming me?!

He flashed me a toothy grin that meant to say, "Don't worry I'll fix it!"

"What's your malfunction?" I lashed, failing to keep the irritation out of my tone.

A thought had occurred to me when staring this man up and down wide eyed at his bluntness. Judging by his demeanor matched with Luka's irritability around other male pack members at this moment, I can only assume Luka placed this man as my babysitter specifically due to being gay. Could he not trust me to be around another male without them being gay? As if I would just let anyone jump my bones? I couldn't help the irritation growing inside me.

"Oh no, you are fabulous doll! I'm talking about your 'wanna' be hippie punk feng-shui get up you've got going on there." He wagged a finger at me to solidify his point.

"Well, I am kind of going on what I've got at the moment." I didn't protest as I was painfully aware of the lack of diversity in my wardrobe.

"Well it's a damn good thing Alpha asked me to come to the rescue then isn't it?" He smiled a wide grin of excitement, like a boy with a secret he just couldn't keep all to himself.

He gestured me out of the office, and I followed promptly. My interest was growing more and more with anticipation. Once in the halls he led the direction by taking the lead. He aimlessly began to ramble unnecessarily about his life events all the way to how a loose button on his collar had been annoying him for the whole morning. I listened as closely as I could manage while his mind bobbled at one hundred miles an hour.

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