Chapter 6

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"Don't touch anything."

That was the first thing Alicia said to her enemy when they entered her house. Ali took a chance to look around. The house looked very neat and clean like a hotel room. The female Neuro agent asked Ali to go sit on the couch. 

Ali's POV

Now what do I do? Ah! I know! I can cook for her! Lucky Agent Mika sent me a list of what Alicia likes. Hmm.... I think I can cook some mee goreng for her! 

[goes to kitchen and starts cooking]

1 hour later---

"Alicia! Food is ready!"

No answer.


Ali got curious and worried so he went upstairs. There, he saw that Alicia's room had her name on the door. He knocked but there was no answer so he opened the door. He saw that the girl had green bedsheets. Then his eyes went wide the size of truck wheels. Alicia's clothes were on the bed.

"Ali, what are you doing here?"

The boy whipped his head to the left to see his enemy wrapped in a towel, her hair dripping with water. On reflex, he turned around as the girl started to change.

"Ali, why are you not looking at me? I thought you boys like it when this happens."

"What? It's reflexes. Plus, I respect you even though you're my enemy."

That made Alicia smile as she walked past Ali into the dining room. She was surprised to see two bowls of mee goreng on the table, complete with parsley on top. She sat down with Ali and started to eat.

"Ali, did you use I.R.I.S to cook?"

"Hmm? No, I didn't."

Alicia was too tired to argue so she continued eating. Surprisingly, for a klutz like Ali, the food was delicious, just needed a pinch more of pepper. After eating, she was about to clean up when Ali pushed her hand away.

"You're sick, right? Let me clean up for you. You can go have a lie down." Ali said.

Alicia was confused and went to the living room. She laid down on the couch and soon fell asleep. Ali finished  washing the dishes and sat down on the couch. He slid a pillow under the girl's head, took her blanket from her room and covered her body. 

Ali's POV

You are my enemy but I feel bad for you. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I hope you get better.


The Tekno agent placed a hand on her forehead. "Good. She's not so warm now." Ali thought. He could not help but stare at Alicia. Slowly, he ran his hand gently through her hair. Her hair was super silky. She looked cute when she was sleeping. The boy quickly shook his head. "What am I thinking?! She's my enemy!" the kid thought. Then he saw her move. 

"Ali? Can you get me a glass of water?"

Ali stood up and gave her what she wanted. Just at that moment, Ali's phone rang.

"Hello? Viktor?"

"Hey Ali. I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go to Kotaraya with me and Mia. You know, grab a bite?" asked Viktor. "You can bring Alicia too."

"Yeah, sure. Lemme change and we meetup at Jalan Falid." replied Ali. As soon as he hung up he went to Alicia. 

"Allie, you want to go to Kotaraya with Viktor and Mia? I mean, if you want to."

"Yeah.....Ok..." As she was walking to her room, a thought flew in her head. "Wait, did her enemy just call her Allie?" 

Alicia's POV

Why did that boy call me Allie? And why does he suddenly volunteer to do things for me? But even so, he is still my enemy. But he still denied orders and saved me from the Azurium Reactor a few months ago. And instead of thanking him, I slapped him because he saw I was crying... 


Somehow, Alicia felt some sort of attachment to him.  She felt as if Ali was special to her, though she couldn't tell what made her feel that way. "Ali bin Ghazali, what have you done to me?"

That's it for Chapter 6! I hope you guys like it! [boy, my hands are painful from this typing!] So anyways, thank you all for reading. I will publish chapter 7 soon!

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