Chapter 13

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[Before the story starts, shoutouts to the following people for following me: lvasfh, Supermecha and Delipeanust]


Ring!!!! Ring!!!! RING!!!!!!

Ali's POV

Aiyo.... Why this phone ringing while I'm playing games?? Is there another mission or is it because Uncle Bakar can't work his bluetooth speakers?

*picks up phone and looks at contact*

WHAT THE? It's Alicia who's calling! WHY?!

"Hello? Alicia? What's up?"

"Ali, wanna go shopping?"

"Shop for what?"

"My prom dress, of course!"

"Ok, ok. We meet up at the bus stop near Zali Mart."

Ali's dad, Mr Ghazali, overheard this conversation and decided to secretly follow. However, to tell the truth, he actually wanted to see how the two kids act when they are out of adult sight.

At Zali Mart bus stop, Ali was again paying his game when Alicia hugged him tightly. She sat down beside him and they both waited for the bus that was heading to Kota Raya. While on the bus, they had to stand up as all the seats were occupied Because of this, Ali had to stop playing his game. A man that was standing beside Alicia inched his hand near Alicia's chest but Ali, being alert when not playing literally punched that man in the balls and stepped on his back to stop him from moving and yelled to the bus driver of the attempt of molesting on Alicia. Immediately, the Hino U31RCN screeched to a stop and was soon entered by a police man. After the molester was hauled away, the journey continued. After half an hour, the pair had arrived at Kota Raya, the same mall where Ali confessed his feelings to Alicia.

Inside, Alicia practically yanked Ali to a shop that sold dresses and suits. Of course, Alicia immediately looked for a yellow dress and asked Ali to look for a good suit. He did find one, but was shocked when he saw the price tag.

"Ali, come and look at this!"

Ali went over to Alicia and was amazed by what he saw. Alicia was wearing a yellow dress, complete with a green tie on her waist. She looked exactly like how she looks like in her agent uniform, but much prettier.

"Wow, you look so pretty!"

"Seriously? You jangan tipu ya? Kau tipu, aku sepak muka engkau!"

[seriously? You're better not be lying? If you are I will slap you!]

"Hey, hey! Really! You look prettier than that girl at school."

"Ok then. Go and pick your clothes also."


After 10 minutes, Ali came out of the changing room looking like a kid version of James Bond! His suit was flat black and add on the Casio black and white watch he was wearing, he looked almost like the secret agent. Just as they were about to pay, a sudden thought struck Ali.

"Wait a minute. How are we supposed to pay for these?"

"Don't worry. Papa gave me enough money to buy our clothes."

[Ali's POV]

Huh. Not only is General Rama her dad and general of M.A.T.A, he also is a rich man. This girl is very lucky. But, she's just like me. We both only have our dads to take care of us. But while my dad is with me, she was adopted by the general.

A sudden punch to his face made Ali's thoughts come to a screeching halt.


He saw that Alicia was showing a list of some restaurants that they can eat lunch at before they go home. Ali was asked by Alicia to choose a restaurant but he just picked a simple one: MCDONALDS. After lunch, they went home. However, Ali insisted that he escort Alicia home in case any more 'predators' try to attack her. Before Ali left Alicia at her place, he kissed Alicia on the forehead. But instead, she pulled him to her lips and kissed him.

They were completely unaware that Ali's dad had seen them kiss. However, Mr Ghazali was not mad but instead was happy as this was how young he was when he met Aliya, Ali's late mother.

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