Chapter 15

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As soon as Ali reached into the hall, he immediately started to look for Viktor and saw him at the large table where the snacks and drinks was, sipping a cup of fruit punch.

"Hey Viktor!"

"Oh, hey Ali!"

" Who are you planning to dance with Viktor?"

"I'm not planning to dance with anyone. However, it is very likely that Mia will orce me to dance with her." he said.

"How about you Ali? Who are YOU planning to dance with?"

"I'm actually planning to dance with Alicia."

"You know, something sus has been happening between you and Alicia lately. One moment, both of you are quarreling, and the next moment, both of you go kissing each other. What the *quack* has happened?!"

Before Ali could think of something to say, the DJ's voice boomed over the speakers.

"Hello, everyone!!! My name is DJ Khai and today, get ready to party to your hearts content!!!!"

A dance song started playing over the speaker and the DJ announced that  it was time to hit the dance floor. Like an enormous mob, all the students ran to dance floor and started to show off their moves. Suddenly, a sharp 'pssst' got Ali's attention. He turned his head and saw that the DJ was calling him.

Ali: "Hey, Khai."

Khai:"How did you know its me?"

Ali: "Your specs, of course! They stand out! Hang on, why are you even here?"

Khai: "Agent Gheetha decided that today, me and all the other aents can have the day off from training!"

Ali: "Really?"

Khai: "Yeah! I even managed to get a dance!

Ali: "With who?"

Khai: "Kim!"

Ali: "Wow."

Khai: "How about you, Ali?"

Ali: " Me? I'm dancing with Alicia."

Khai: "Really? Dancing with your enemy? Naisuu!!!"

Khai: (again): "Ok, Ali I need to get back to being a DJ! See ya!"

Ali: "Bye!"

As soon as he went back on the dance floor, he saw Alicia talking to Mia at the snack table. He called out to her and she immediately came over to him. 

Alicia: "Hey, Ali, I've been looking for you!"

She plants a kiss on his cheek and makes Ali blush to a tomato red.

Ali: "Hey, Alicia, want to go dance?"

Alicia: "Ok. Can't wait to show the dance moves I've been practicing."

The pair made their way to the dance floor and danced together, showing off their dance moves to each other and at the same time trying to impress the others.

Khai: "Alright, people!!! I saw some naisu moves out there! Next up, grab a partner, because this is the time for you all planning to dance with your crushes, girlfriends or boyfriends to show off your moves!!!"

When Ali and Alicia heard Khai's announcement, they immediately made their way to the front of the hall. Everyone started whispering with each other as Ali and Alicia were quite famous for their fights and were often seen fighting and like Viktor, they thought that it was odd that they were dancing together. 

The two were showing off their pair dance moves that they rehearsed after school in front of the entire school, when the music suddenly changed from Hi-Fi to romance dance music. The pair didn't even notice this and kept on dancing like a true couple. After they were done, Ali pulled Alicia to the side and told her, "Its about time we make it official."

Alicia: "Make what official?"

Ali: "Our relationship."

Alicia: "Yeah. I think that's the best idea you ever had."

They then locked their lips in a kiss for a solid 20 seconds. When they pulled away, they saw that Viktor, Mia and their fellow M.A.T.A agents (that were in disguise) were staring at them. Suddenly, an uproarious clapping started from the crowd

"Woohooo!!!! Ali finally has a gf!!!"

"Wow, the hate couple is together!!!"

[WASSUP READERS!! First I wanna say a big THANK YOU!!!! to you lot. I really appreciate the support. And second, please invite your other pals to read this story as I want to enter The Wattys! Please, keep reading!]

(mutters: Ow my poor hands..)

One of the songs I listen to while writing

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