𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓕𝓸𝓾𝓻

Start from the beginning

"What, you'll kill me?" Nightmare laughed, the sound so ominous as he seemed to come closer, the tentacle tightening and leaving Classic to squirm for air as words washed over. Words that sank in hard and fast.

"No. That wouldn't be any fun. Slip up and I'll target everyone you love. Even that brother of yours, the one you had a phone call with earlier." With that, Nightmare backed up. He removed the tentacle, leaving Classic to gasp for breath as his hands rubbed his neck. He viewed Nightmare, who gave a cheeky smile, his words lingering on Classic's mind. "See you around, Classic."

Without another word, Classic viewed as Nightmare seemed to fade into a puddle of black. One moment he was there, the next he wasn't. It left Classic to recover from everything, his whole body shaking slightly as his hand rested along his heart. He chewed his tongue, trying to calm his emotions as he leaned against the bench, ignoring the water that spilled from his sockets. His words were laced in venom and disdain. "Go to hell..."

By the time Classic had returned back to the house, the cafe was already closed. Not that he was complaining. He wandered along the stairwell, climbing the first set of stairs before he seemed to notice Ccino's gaze roll along him. It wasn't like Classic didn't know that he looked awful. He looked a bit broken, truthfully. Which only left Ccino to worry and wander over. "Classic? What's wrong? Are you alright?"

How Classic wanted to be honest. But he couldn't. He wouldn't drag Ccino into this. So, he forced a smile, nodding slowly. His voice sounded so weak, but he prayed Ccino would let it all go. "I'm fine... Just tired. Been a long day, that's all."

He knew Ccino wasn't stupid. He knew Ccino didn't pry. Ccino was as good a friend as anyone could have desired. Which left Classic more pained knowing he was hiding things. "I don't believe that for a moment, but you'll tell me when you're ready. How about some coffee, to relax you?"

"That would be nice, Ccino." Classic wandered toward the table, slumping into a chair as he let his fingers trace his neck once more. It still hurt from the grip, leaving him to flinch at the slight tinge of pain. Granted, when Ccino had wandered back, Classic lowered his hands and focused on the drink placed before him.

He picked up the mug, bringing it closer to his nose as he smelled the aroma. Smelled the medicine that was combined. A sleeping aid. Ccino often payed for those aids just for Classic, who had troubles getting a full nights sleep. It left a small smile to rise along Classic's features, his hands bringing the cup toward his mouth as he drank the contents. Felt the searing heat touch his tongue. How it warmed his whole body and left his mind a bit relaxed from the recent events.

Finishing off his cup, Classic sighed lightly, leaning back in his chair. He pressed his hands to his sockets, hearing those faint footsteps. He felt a hand gently touch his head, leaving him to peak past his fingers momentarily to Ccino. "Why don't you get some sleep. If you're able, we can speak about whatever is bothering you tomorrow. Alright?"

Classic nodded, sitting up as he rose to his feet. He wandered toward the next staircase, wandering up to his room, spotting the black cat that seemed to stalk him. It only made him remember the events, leaving his sockets to darken as he let himself fall onto his bed. As he let himself close his sockets and attempted to sleep.

He didn't deserve Ccino as a friend. Not once did he feel he deserved anything. Luck never offered its help to him. Tragedy always followed his every breath. He was a curse. It was the reason he'd left the others, to keep them safe. To assure nothing would befall them. In truth, Ccino had found him at his worst. He'd been tired. He'd been desperate and lost. He had lingered along that edge so closely as the cars passed by, paying no one mind. Not a soul mattered then, at least until Ccino had been the one to step forward. To call out and offer sanctuary. Ccino had been a light in the darkness that consumed Classic. His one and only friend.

Rolling along his mattress, he viewed the black cat leap up, crawling onto his chest as it curled up. He couldn't find his joy. His happiness at that moment. He felt that same tired itch all over again. The same one that made him contemplate such drastic measures. That made him view the end of the road in a single moment. He'd been broken once. Left in pieces and fragmented. But Ccino had pieced him back together. Glued him together and gave him more than he still felt he deserved. Gave him a home. A friend. A life. Gave him hope for something better. All for it to crumble once more. For his bad luck to embrace him and taunt him. To threaten everything he had.

Rolling once more, he brought a hand to the cat, feeling the fur. Hearing the soft purrs. He hated the world sometimes. Hated that it screwed so many over. Taking a long breath, Classic let his hand fall to the mattress, his gaze shifting past the window beside his bed. He viewed the rising moon for a time, letting it coax him into a slumber. One that might give him a serenity, if only temporarily. That was just how he was. He ran away from trouble and trouble always seemed to find him. No matter how far he ran, it stayed attached.

Letting his sockets close once more, he allowed his mind to slip away. To welcome the bleak darkness beyond. All while a single thought taunted him. As it etched itself into his heart and tore into his very being. Left an imprint along his mind that was hard to ignore and even more so to fade away. It was always a thought that he'd had at times, times when life truly gave him the short end of the stick. Would he ever truly be free?

Humerous Temptations - DarkHumor (Nightmare x Classic)Where stories live. Discover now