Chapter 12

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Despite night two jumping ahead two hours the night was still long. Galaxy never felt more tired dealing with this. The blonde wanted this over with. She felt her eyes droop before smacking herself.

"No, you need to stay awake. You are on night 3 now, just two more nights after this." she told herself before she was once again at Plushtrap's minigame.

She sat down and caught her breath before starting the minigame. Galaxy flicked off the flashlight and listened carefully. Once more she quickly turned back on the flashlight and Plushtrap was on the x.

"You have really good senses." he said.

"Thank you Plush...Is it ok if I call you that?" she asked.

Plush nodded quickly making Galaxy laugh and rub his head.

"Well onto night three." Galaxy said as she stood up.

"Are you sure you can do this?" Plush asked her.

Galaxy nodded signaling she could do this before returning to the bedroom.


Galaxy could not do this in truth. She had already nearly messed up due to how tired she was getting. This was taking a toll on her and Galaxy was not sure how much longer she could hold out for.

At about four thirty Galaxy messed up and opened the door, getting jump scared by Nightmare Bonnie. The blonde had backed up and tripped over her feet, falling to the ground. She also lost her grip on the flashlight and Galaxy saw it had rolled in front of the closet.

A chuckle entered her ears as Nightmare Bonnie moved out of the way to let Nightmare into the room.

"It seems you lost our little game. You made it halfway though." Nightmare said with a chuckle.

"That's because I am getting tired." Galaxy said as she slowly stood up.

"Of course. You see I should have mentioned there was a price to pay if you lost." the bear said.

Galaxy backed up slightly as she kept her eyes on the black bear.

"And what's that?" she asked.

"I get to remove Fredbear from you." Nightmare said as he began to grin.

Galaxy started to shake her head as Goldie screamed in her head.

'Bright eyes run!' he screamed.

She attempted to run but Nightmare grabbed her arm.

"Running is no use. This is our realm." he said.

Galaxy tried to get free but his grip was too strong. She then gasped in pain as she felt him begin to pull Goldie out of her. Before he got far there was a loud roar of rage before something or rather someone tackled Nightmare away from Galaxy.

Galaxy had fallen to the ground in pain as Goldie tried to ease the pain. She then looked up and saw the person who tackled Nightmare was Freddy but he looked very different. And he looked mad.

"You never mentioned a price she had to pay!" Nightmare Freddy snarled.

"Because I did not want to." Nightmare said, pushing the brown bear off him.

"It is one thing to mess with her, but it is another to almost hurt her!" Nightmare Freddy yelled before lunging.

Galaxy watched in horror as the bears fought. She knew she had to do something but what. It then hit her when she saw a bat. Slowly grabbing it and standing up, Galaxy then moved rather quickly despite her sore body and hit Nightmare in the head with it.

The black bear roared in pain before glaring at Galaxy. He then grabbed her arm and threw her against the closet.

"I wouldn't get involved little girl. This is between Fazbear and I." Nightmare growled.

Galaxy was having a hard time staying awake until a paw tapped her cheek. She then saw one of the mini Freddys and he was holding the flashlight.

"This hurts Nightmare. You can use it to help papa." he said.

Galaxy nodded and took the flashlight. She then weakly got back to her feet even though she was hurt and tired. Lifting up the flashlight Galaxy turned it on directly at Nightmare. He roared in pain from the light before Freddy tackled him.

Nightmare snarled in rage before once again pushing Nightmare Freddy off him. He then turned his attention to Galaxy, who was barely able to stand.

"You are starting to get on my nerves, brat." he growled, stalking towards her.

"I've been told I'm good at that." Galaxy said glaring at him.

Nightmare snarled before balling his hand into a fist and punching Galaxy in the gut. Due to the force of the punch Galaxy went flying into the closet doors before passing out.

"No!" Nightmare Freddy yelled.

"She's not dead. Just unconscious." Nightmare said before they heard the doors creak.

Both bears then saw Galaxy stand up but her movements were strange until she lifted her head. Galaxy's eyes were now gold instead of blue.

"You made a big mistake, Nightmare." Goldie said, now in control.

Galaxy's body then changed into an animatronic form before Nightmare Fredbear stood before Nightmare. Nightmare smirked as if he was amused. He was going to enjoy this fight.

"Really? Then prove I have." he said.

"Glady." Nightmare Fredbear said before lunging at the black bear.

Nightmare Freddy soon joined to help his brother fight Nightmare. They were going to show Nightmare what happens when you mess with their human. 

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