Chapter 3

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Galaxy stared at the bear as he narrowed his eyes.

"Well, do you have an answer or not?" Freddy growled.

"I actually don't have one because I don't know how this happened. All I remember is coming to work and starting my shift before a golden bear that looks like you showed up in front of me." Galaxy said.

That last bit shocked the four animatronics before Freddy growled.

"Of all the stupid things he does is pick a new host." he snapped.

Galaxy blinked confused.

"I'm sorry what?" she asked.

"You met Golden Freddy or Fredbear, Freddy's older brother. He no longer has a suit so he's a spirit. A powerful one at that. And he chose you as a host. Or suit to explain it." Chica said.

"So I am being possessed by a bear animatronic." Galaxy said.

"Pretty much." Bonnie replied.

"Why you though? You look far too frail to be a suit for him." Freddy growled.

"I look it but I'm not that frail." Galaxy snapped.

Chica then blinked before gently turning Galaxy to look at her.

"And I don't like that but don't worry I will fix that. I will be in the kitchen if you need me because our night guard needs to eat." she said before leaving.

Galaxy blinked before looking at the other three animatronics.

"Yeah that happens. Don't worry about it." Bonnie said.

"Ok." Galaxy replied.

"Bonnie, Foxy please leave. I want to speak with our night guard." Freddy said leaving no room for argument.

The two nodded before leaving, making Freddy the only animatronic in the office with Galaxy.

"Look I am as confused as you." Galaxy said.

"I am not confused, I am mad. You have only been here for two nights and yet you bother me. Why, I don't know but I have never been fond of night guards." Freddy growled.

"Is it because of what happened to the five children?" Galaxy said, opening her mouth before closing it when the bear glared at her.

"How did you know about that." he demanded.

"I didn't know much about this company so I looked into it and that was the first thing that came up, plus two different bites." Galaxy replied.

"Fine I will accept that but I do not trust you all that much. We'll see if that changes." Freddy said before leaving.

After he did Galaxy sighed and sat down. The bear was definitely guarded but she couldn't blame him. She knew it would take time for him to like her so she would be patient about it. Foxy then poked his head back into the office.

"Don't mind the Cap'n. He means well but has trouble trusting." Foxy said.

"I figured. I know earning his trust will take time. But why does he not like the fact that Golden Freddy chose me as a new suit?" Galaxy asked.

"Not sure, but I'm sure he chose ye for a reason." Foxy replied.

Galaxy nodded still not sure but she took his word for it.


An hour later Chica had finished cooking the food and when Galaxy entered the kitchen she was shocked.

"Woah that's a lot of pizza." she said.

"I didn't know what you liked so I made one of everything." Chica replied.

"Thanks. At least the pizzeria will have pizzas ready to go if I don't eat all of them." Galaxy said.

Chica smiled and nodded. Bonnie and Foxy then entered the kitchen with Freddy right behind.

"Uh Chica, why so many pizzas?" Bonnie asked.

"I didn't know which pizza Galaxy liked so I made every one." the chicken replied.

"I get the lass is a wee bit tiny but this is overkill." Foxy said.

Chica huffed before grabbing a spatula.

"But there's nothing wrong with that." Foxy quickly said.

Galaxy couldn't help but giggle.

"You argue like an old married couple." she said.

"They should since all four of us are married to one another." Bonnie said.

"Wow, that's so cool. You guys are lucky, you don't have to deal with people who say it's wrong to be with the same gender." Galaxy said huffing the last part.

"Humans can be very cruel." Freddy said.

"That's an understatement. I hate humans sometimes because of how greedy and vile they can be." Galaxy said, shocking the animatronics.

Her comment made them realize the human before them was not what they expected at all. Freddy couldn't help but wonder what caused the night guard before him to be like that. He would ask her about it later when he had the chance.

The night ended faster than Galaxy expected. She tidied up her mess as the animatronics returned to their places. As she left she gave them a smile before leaving for the day with the leftover pizza she did not eat. 

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