Chapter 7

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Galaxy silently stepped out of Pirate's cove with the three animatronics right behind. The night guard took a deep breath before moving around the tables to the stage.

"Hey Freddy, where are you?" she called before the bear came onto the stage after slipping into the back room.

He growled at her before lunging but Bonnie and Foxy intervened. However Freddy threw them off and made his way towards Galaxy after getting off the stage.

She dodged a few of his attacks before Foxy tackled him into some of the tables. Galaxy raced over to get to the panel in the back of his head but was too slow. Freddy was already up and he punched her into the stage.

Galaxy cried out in pain before she passed out. But she wasn't down for very long. The animatronics were shocked when she stood back up but instead of her normal bright blue eyes, they were gold.

"Hello Fred." Goldie said grinning.

"Oh boy." Foxy said, now hiding behind a table.

Freddy growled lunging at Goldie who was now in control of Galaxy's body. Goldie dodged easily before leading the brown bear on the stage and got behind him but they were on the edge of the stage.

Goldie got the panel open and the chip out. But instead of falling forward, Freddy fell backwards off the stage and onto Galaxy. Chica let out a scream of shock before Foxy and Bonnie pulled Freddy off her.

"What happened...Galaxy!" Freddy yelled after he came to and saw her on the ground.

"Come on lass wake up." Foxy said as his ears fell to the sides of his head.

Bonnie and Chica looked worried before Galaxy let out a groan in her voice. Freddy then helped her up and held her against him.

"What happened?" she asked slowly, opening her eyes.

"Well you got Freddy free but Goldie took over your body for a moment when you blacked out. Which wasn't a surprise since Freddy knocked you into the stage." Bonnie said.

"I did what?" Freddy said shocked.

"I don't blame you. It was that damn chip." Galaxy said, smiling at him.

Freddy looked at the human in his arms shocked.

"I threw you around like some rag doll and you aren't mad." he said.

"Freddy you were being controlled and had no say in the matter. Why should I be angry at you for something like that." Galaxy replied.

"You are going to give me a heart attack." the bear groaned.

"You're an animatronic, you can't have one." Galaxy said with a giggle.

"Well see about that." Freddy replied.

Freddy then set Galaxy down on the stage so she could sit while the animatronics cleaned up the mess. Galaxy couldn't help but smile before going to fiddle with her locket but it wasn't there. She panicked slightly before she felt someone tap her shoulder.

"I think this belongs to you." Freddy said, holding her locket.

"Thank you Freddy. I was worried I lost it." Galaxy replied, taking it from the bear.

"You did say this locket was important to you." Freddy said and Galaxy nodded.

"Yeah. In fact my mother gave it to me." she replied with a sad smile.

Freddy noticed the change in her mood before carefully hugging her.

"I'm sorry you lost them. But now you have us." he told her.

"Yeah. Like I said before they'd want me to move on and be happy so that's what I'm doing." Galaxy replied as she placed the locket back on her neck.

Freddy nodded before facepalming as he watched his idiots get tangled up in table cloths. Galaxy giggled as the bear walked over to help.

"They haven't changed at all." Goldie said from within Galaxy's mind.

"So I can now talk to you mentally?" Galaxy asked in her mind.

"Yep. Sorry about the sudden take over. It was the only choice." Goldie said.

"It's ok. I'm just glad I didn't go full animatronic when you did." Galaxy said.

"That is only when it is very serious and dangerous." Goldie stated.

"Good to know." Galaxy replied.

She then giggled as she saw Freddy get tangled up as well. The replairs took the rest of the night but thankfully nothing showed a fight occurred during the night. Pirate's cove was also repaired as well.

Foxy glared at Bonnie as it was repaired and Galaxy smiled at them. Soon six am came and Galaxy had to leave. As she left she waved at them before the door shut. Everything was perfect except a pair of red eyes had been watching from the shadows.

"How interesting. Let's see what the little night guard can do when Nightmares come to life." he said with a dark, deep voice.

The eyes then disappeared into the dark as a laugh escaped his mouth.

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