Chapter 6

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When Galaxy arrived at the pizzeria, she was on guard and ready for whatever comes her way. However on the way to her office, she was picked up by a red blurr and taken to Pirate's cove.

"Foxy, what are you doing?" Galaxy demanded.

"Savin yer neck lass. Unlike the others, Ol' Foxy isn't controlled because the one who did this thought I was broken." Foxy explained.

"That makes sense." Galaxy said, peaking out slightly.

Foxy looked at the human concerned. She had the same determined look Freddy often got and that worried him.

"So if the others are being controlled that means there is something in them doing that. Well all we have to do is remove it." she said.

"How exactly will that happen?" Foxy asked.

Galaxy then turned to him with a smirk. Foxy did not like that look at all.

"I'll remove it." she said.

"That's dangerous." the fox told her.

"Foxy, I worked in the military. If I can handle that I can handle this." she said before leaving the cove.

Galaxy then silently moved around the pizzeria despite wearing heels. She found Chica in the kitchen. The chicken instantly turned to face her.

"Ok Chica let's get you fixed." Galaxy said before Chica lunged at her.

The human dodged easily and stayed one step ahead of Chica. Galaxy then got behind her and grabbed Chica's shoulders before the chicken slammed her into the counter from behind. Galaxy hissed in pain.

She then saw a panel on the back of Chica's head and pried it open. Galaxy ripped out the chip controlling Chica and watched the A.I reset to zero before the chicken shut down for a moment. She then came back online.

"Galaxy? What happened?" she asked.

"You were being controlled. This was in the back of your head." Galaxy replied, showing the chicken the chip.

"Controlled? I didn't hurt you did I?" Chica asked.

"Not anything I can't handle, I promise." Galaxy replied with a smile.

Chica looked at the small human before her. She did not like how she said that.

"Ok. Is there any way I can help?" she asked.

"There might be. I need you and Foxy to help with Bonnie. I won't be able to free Freddy unless I have you three." Galaxy replied.

Chica nodded and followed her quietly to Pirate's cove.


Locating Bonnie was easy and getting him to follow her was easier but Galaxy knew that would happen. However he followed her into Pirate's cove and crashed into the ship after Galaxy dodged.

"Me ship!" Foxy yelled.

Galaxy's eyes widened as Foxy tacked the bunny and fought. Chica however groaned and winced watching the two. The blonde then got involved to try and help but got cut up.

"Lass, stay away until I have Bonnie pinned." Foxy ordered her.

Galaxy wanted to argue but knew the fox had a point. He had a hook for a hand and could accidentally cut her like he had already.

After five minutes Foxy had Bonnie pinned and Chica moved to help hold him down. Galaxy worked quickly and opened the back of his head and removed the chip. The A.I then went down to zero and the bunny shut down then restarted.

"What happened and why are you two pinning me down." Bonnie said, blinking confused.

"You weren't in control." Foxy said.

"I removed the chip doing the controlling so you are free." Galaxy said a tad bit scuffed up.

"You're bleeding." Bonnie said, looking at her.

"Bonnie I've had worse happen to me. I worked in the military so injuries happened. Trust me this is nothing." Galaxy replied as Foxy and Chica let Bonnie up.

The three animatronics looked at each other in concern. How bad did she get injured while working in the military. Something told them they rather not know.

"Ok. Now how do we free Freddy. He's gonna be the hardest." Foxy said.

"I don't know but perhaps going without a plan will help us." Galaxy said.

"How will that help?" Bonnie asked.

"It'll confuse Freddy making it hard for him to attack." Galaxy explained with a grin.

The three animatronics looked at the human before them shocked.

"Will it work though? Freddy is very clever. There's a reason he's the leader and one in charge." Chica said.

"We won't know until we try." Galaxy stated before tearing her skirt to bandage her arm where Foxy's hook got her.

The animatronics didn't say anything about it since there was no first aid kit available at the moment. Galaxy then looked out to the stage noticing it was empty before Freddy walked onto it. Her eyes examined the area like a battlefield.

She was not going to let the animatronics be controlled anymore even if she did not know who was the one behind this. 

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