Chapter 4

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After returning home, Galaxy set the pizza in the fridge for later before sitting down on the couch. Why would the ghost of an animatronic want her as a host. Feeling a headache coming on Galaxy shook her head, deciding not to bother thinking about that.

She then got up to have a shower since she needed one. Walking to her bathroom the young woman would deal with that later.

After her shower and in clean pajamas Galaxy brushed her teeth. When she stood back up after spitting, Galaxy looked at her reflection. She then noticed gold flecks in her eyes and blinked.

"That must be from Golden Freddy...Ok both his names are mouthfuls so I'll just call him Goldie." she said.

Finishing up in the bathroom, Galaxy headed to her room to get some much needed sleep. The night was way too much for her and needed a nap.


Galaxy felt like she was suffocating from pain as she watched helplessly as those she loved die one by one before she closed her eyes to avoid seeing it. The pain was a tight grip on her before it vanished.

Everything was now black but she felt someone pull her close. It was comforting and warm. Galaxy felt safe in their arms as they held her.

She opened her eyes but only saw a golden blur before her eyes closed again this time due to tiredness.

"Sleep cub you need it. I'll keep the nightmares away." she heard him say.

After that her sleep was dreamless.


When Galaxy woke up, she felt way better and well rested. She smiled slightly but also sighed. She had a feeling that the golden blur was Goldie, it had to be. Galaxy just didn't understand why he did that.

Shaking her head, she decided not to really think about it since it wasn't all that important. Getting up Galaxy changed out of her pajamas and into her work uniform. She decided to let her hair down today before leaving.

Arriving at the pizzeria Galaxy smiled at the stage before heading to the office. She sat down at the desk and laid her head down on her arms and closed her eyes waiting for midnight. She didn't hear the bell to start the night.

When she opened her eyes fifteen minutes later Bonnie was right there. She shrieked and fell backwards in her chair.

"Wow you are jumpy." the bunny said.

"No kidding. Plus who wouldn't get startled by a giant animatronic inches from your face after you wake up." Galaxy replied snarkily.

Bonnie laughed before helping Galaxy to her feet. She gave him a weak glare before leaving the office.

"Ye ok lass?" Foxy asked, poking his head out of his cove.

"Oh I was fine until I opened my eyes to see Bonnie two inches away from my face." Galaxy replied.

"Ah." Foxy replied.

Galaxy smiled before heading to the main room to see Chica lecturing Bonnie.

"You were supposed to check on her, not scare her. We want to be friends with her and scaring her won't help." she said.

"Ok it won't happen again unless it happens accidentally." Bonnie said and Chica nodded.

"Good." Chica said.

Galaxy giggled as she watched them before sitting down at one of the tables. She then fiddled with her locket again before Freddy walked up to her.

"Why are you doing that." he asked.

"Huh? Oh I often do. I just started doing it one day." Galaxy replied.

"I take it that necklace is important to you." Freddy asked.

"Yeah. It's a locket. It has two photos in it. Photos of my family I lost." she replied.

"Lost?" the bear asked, confused.

"They died or rather were killed. Years apart but always somehow on the same day." Galaxy explained.

The four animatronics froze when they heard her say that.

"So you're all alone?" Chica asked.

"Yeah but I'm healing and moving since I know they would not want me to wallow in grief and do nothing." Galaxy said with a small smile.

Freddy nodded understanding. He still didn't like or really trust her but what she said was good to know.

"Well now you have us to help with that." Chica said before hugging the night guard.

Galaxy smiled slightly before gasping.

"Chica, you're crushing my ribs." she said.

"Oops sorry." the chicken said before letting go of Galaxy.

"It's ok." Galaxy replied with a smile.

Freddy then left the room to let the other animatronics get to know Galaxy better. The human then looked at Freddy sadly.

"Why doesn't Freddy like me?" she asked the other three.

"It's not that he doesn't, Freddy just needs time to warm up to you." Chica said.

"Yeah. The bear is a hard one to crack but he'll come around in time." Bonnie said as Foxy nodded.

Galaxy smiled understanding but she didn't quite understand why Freddy was the way he was. But she knew he'd warm up to her in time like the others said he would. 

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