♡Need A Babysitter?♡

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"Stay with me, baby stay with me. Don't leave me alone."

Song: 'Kiss Me Slowly' by Parachute.



"Oh, My God!" I panicked as I searched my locker for the letter I wrote to Brad.

Where the hell was it?

Anxiety rushed through me as I horrifically dug through the waste papers and unnecessary objects I had developed an unhealthy habit of stashing inside the metal space provided for us.

I pushed my hair back in exhaustion.

I couldn't lose it; it would be too embarrassing.

I stiffened when a voice began reciting the first lines of my letter.

"Dear Brad Pinsley, been watching you since the first year..."

I turned my face in terror to see Nathan, holding my letter in his hand with a smile.

Oh, no, he just did not read my stuff.

Wasn't the invasion of personal space this morning enough?

I narrowed my eyes at him. A small hint of embarrassment and a large hint of anger.

"Love letter, Princess? That's seventh grade."

I snatched it from his grip. "Where did you get this?!"

"It just fell from your locker a second ago. Isn't it great that I saw it before someone else?" He lifted his eyebrow like a brother who had just read his sister's diary and found out her darkest secret.

Which he did. And I knew he would tease me or use it against me in the future. I would not have been surprised. It was a very Nathan-ny thing to do.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Well, thank you, really, for reading a females' private stuff."

I was about to stalk past him when he gripped my arm.

I looked back at him. "What?"

He sighed and released me before he casually jammed his hands in his pockets with that bored look all over his handsome face.

Wait. Handsome? Did I just say handsome?

Hella weird to say, Chelsy Holmes!

"Are you planning on giving that to Brad Pinsley?"

"Yeah, so what?"

This was none of his business.

"So..." He rocked back and forth. "You're setting up yourself to get sexed, then not texted back the next day."

I made a face. "What?"

"You look easy. Giving a letter like that will only make him want to take advantage of you."

I folded my arms, interested to hear more about his conclusive hypothesis. "Okay, do shed some light on your little 'advice.'"

"You're complimenting him too much, Princess. It might get to his head, and he might end up just using you to satisfy his sexual and selfish desire, then the whole school will hear about it tomorrow. Word of advice, tuck that letter in a page of your diary and save yourself the utter humiliation."

He leaned in and placed a small kiss on my forehead. "See you after school."

So maybe if it were another member of the female population, they would have shot hearts from their eyes. Nathan and I have kissed on the cheeks several times as kids growing up. We even accidentally kissed on the lips once, and it ended with us wiping our mouths frantically and crying as if our faces got shoved in a pile of shit.

Coming of Age♡ जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें