"Waffles?" He said raising his nose like a blood hound smelling the air.

"Yep." Scarlett said putting the plate in front of him.

"Homemade," she said with a smile. It was the weekend, she always liked to make something fun on the weekends while the kids slept in she was always up at 6, body clock unable to give her a break.

"Cammie requested breakfast in bed." Evan said gloomily, he kissed Scarlett's cheek and she gave him a look of desperation.

"No." Scarlett said simply. "Eliot eat and be nice to Cameron when she comes out."
"She doesn't look like Cammie, she scares me!" Eliot complained through a mouthful of waffles.

"I don't care, she is your sister, you will love her and treat her with respect. This is hard for her." Scarlett said as she moved out of the kitchen.

"But dad," Eliot turned his attention to Evan. "It's scary."

"When you fart really loud and it stinks up the whole house I think it might kill us by how disgusting it is." Evan said, Eliot gave him a confused look, syrup dripping down his face. "It's scary what your butt can do but I don't say it to your face."

"You just did." Eliot said laughing.

"Anyway, you have to hold your tongue." Eliot reached for his tongue. "Not literally... yeah okay that's fine."

"Breakfast is ready Cam." Scarlett said knocking three times on her door.

"I want to eat it in here." Her muffled voice came through the door.

"Not an option. We are eating together as a family."

"But mom," Cammie began.

"Not an option." Scarlett annunciated.

"Then I will starve!" Cammie said in rebellion. Scarlett rolled her eyes as she opened the door. "MOM!" Cammie said outraged. "Get out! I'm not coming out!"

"Please eat with me. I miss you." Scarlett ran her fingers along Cammie's hairline. "I miss seeing you."

"Really because everyone else seems to just want me invisible."

"Who is everyone?" Scarlett questioned. "Eliot? He's little he doesn't know what he's talking about he loves you so much. It is going to take some adjusting, for all of us."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what Dad said too." Cammie said begrudgingly knowing that if one parents said it she could ignore, but both.

"Smart man your dad is." Cammie groaned. "Oh come on, Eliot will be good and if not I will send HIM to HIS room. You don't need to hide in your own house." Cammie thought on that for a moment. "How about that?" Scarlett suggested.

"Fine, but if he says one thing-" Cammie warned getting off the bed, her feet sliding into her slippers.

"You let me know if he crosses a line I don't see and I will send him to his room instantly." Cammie nodded her feet slugging along the floor. "Look who came out for breakfast after all." Scarlett said happily. Cammie had been cooped up in her room every day since coming home a week ago. They had a doctor's appointment next week and Scarlett had been emailing the doctors back and forth giving them updates and thoughts on how to proceed. Scarlett now knew how her mom felt and was even more grateful for her now that she knew exactly what she was going through all those years ago.

"Hi Cammie." Eliot said keeping his focus on his waffles.

"Hi," Cammie said glancing over to her mom in announce.

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