"Language." Evan said rolling back his shoulders, relieving the tension. "Then obviously he wasn't worth it, what about Colton? He and you used to be friends, what ever happened to him?"

"Dad, he is a total dork. He's like Eliot, likes all the comics, superheroes and star trek stuff."

"I like those things." Evan reasoned.

"Yeah, well... no offense, but you are a dork." Cammie said quietly.

"Saying no offense doesn't take away from the offensiveness..." Cammie looked away awkwardly.

"Sorry," she spat out, "is mom coming back today?"

"Yeah, she just called. She dropped Eliot off at school and is informing your school about your situation."

"You mean picking up homework and discussing a homeschooling plan." Cammie said dully, Evan nodded.

"It's going to be a long road. Let's no worry about Jackson, let's play a game, take a walk, forget about them for a little while. That always helped me, before your mother." Cammie smiled up at him, he was really trying to help, he was saying all the right things. She still wanted Jackson to love her and not stupid Melissa, but at least she still had Fiona.

"You have been healing well, I think next week you will be able to go home." Dr. Cade said that Friday as they removed the bandages again from Cameron's face. "Your skin looks," Dr. Cade hesitated, stopped herself from saying that Cameron's skin looked good. Because her skin looked anything, but good in the sense that matter to a 14 year old girl. "Like it is healing nicely." Dr. Cade finished with a smile.

"Home," Cameron smiled. "Home sounds amazing." Ethaline moved into the room, peaking her head around the privacy curtain.

"I have a little boy named Eliot that really wants to see his sister." Ethaline said with a tight smile, hands clasped in front of her.

"Send him in." Cameron said. "I want to see my brother." Scarlett and Evan wanted to warn Eliot, to tell him what to expect, but Cameron seemed confident that Eliot would be okay, or maybe she just really wanted to see his smiling face to make her horrible day better.

"I will send him in." Ethaline said turning away from them. Evans parents, Franklin and Marline hadn't seen Cammie yet either, they were staying at the house with Eliot, Scarlett's parents were driving back and forth from the hospital trying to help everyone.

When they walked through the door they took Cameron's face in slowly, and carefully. Franklin and Marline brought Eliot to see Cammie, he had been asking for his sister all week.

"Cammi-" Eliot started and his smiling face dropped to worry and pain. "Where's Cammie?" Eliot questioned looking to the girl in the bed.

"It's me, silly goose." Cameron tried to hide the pained look on her face, which wasn't hard since she couldn't make many facial expressions.

"No its not." Eliot said with a smile. "My Cammie doesn't look like you. You look scary."

"Eliot, remember what I told you about the accident? Remember what I said happened to Cammie's face?" Eliot nodded slowly, still looking at his mom, not at the person in the bed. Cammie looked down to the rings on her hand, the rings Scarlett brought from home to make Cammie feel more normal since she couldn't wear makeup or fancy clothes while in the hospital. Cammie looked down at the captain America ring on her finger that Eliot got her in China Town on their last vacation.

"Here." Cammie pulled it off her finger and held it out to him. "Would anyone, but me have this ring?" Their dad told them it was one of a kind, even though they all knew it wasn't, except for Eliot, he thought it was special. Cammie thought it was special because her brother got it for her.

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