"Of course," she said with a small smile. "I will take good care of her." Ethaline said to the Brooks.

"We should probably get Eliot," Scarlett turned her attention to Evan. "Or maybe see if he can stay with the Kyles a bit longer." Scarlett said pulling away from Evan.

"Okay, why don't you go and get cleaned up and see if your mom can take care of Eliot for a few days until we can figure this out. I will stay here in case Cammie wakes up." Scarlett nodded, but tears ran down her face and she didn't think she could leave. "Or," Evan countered. "You can stay and I'll get new clothes for you and deal with Eliot. Ethaline, can we use a phone?" She pulled out her own phone, unlocked it and handed it them. "Call your mom, I will get a car and go home, check on Eliot... we will get through this. We always have." Scarlett nodded again as Evan kissed Cammie's head and then Scarlett. "I will be back soon."

"Mom?" Scarlett said into the phone, her voice hitching.

"Sweetie what happened? Who's phone is this? Are you alright? Are the kids alright? What do you need?" Lena Connor questioned rising from spot already looking for her car keys.

"We were in a car accident." Scarlett said slowly, softly, Lena had to strain her ears to hear her daughter. "Cammie was really hurt." She heard Scarlett's tears, as clearly as she heard the birds chirping outside her window. "Evan and I are going to be fine... Eliot was at a friend's, but Cammie is really hurt mom."

"What do you need to do? Where do you need me to be? I'm already in the car, tell me where you are."

"I'm at the hospital, Evan just left to check on Eliot. Could you go to the house and stay with Eliot until we figure out what to do?" Scarlett begged, Ethaline stood in the corner of the room, flipping through Cameron's chart, viewing her basically inexistent facial structure. Her bones shattered her skin puffy and inflamed.

"Yes of course. I will be there soon. Do you need anything Scar?" Lena asked, as the light turned green she slammed on the gas.

"I need my baby to be okay," she sobbed.

"Oh Scarlett, everything is going to be okay. God won't let you lose her." God, you protect my grandbaby! She mentally screamed at the sky. "Everything is going to be alright, I just know it." She tried to keep her voice calm as she spoke. "Cameron is strong just like her parents. Honey your father is calling, can I call you right back?"

"This isn't my phone, it's a nurses. Just call the Kyles I will send you their number. I have to tell Evan that you are coming."

"Okay sweetie, I will be there soon." Lena hung up and Scarlett opened a message sending the Kyles phone number to her mom and then typing it in herself, calling them.

"Hello?" Karen said quizzically thinking that the unknown number was just a wrong number or a prank call.

"Karen its Scarlett Brooks."

"Oh Scarlett, how's Cammie?"

"Not good, Evan is on his way to you. He is going to pick Eliot up and my mom is coming to stay with him. I think it will be best if he's at home when we tell him what happened... once he sees Evan... can you tell Evan that my mom is coming? We don't have our phones."

"Of course, of course." Karen said, "you let me know if you need anything. I am here for you. I'm praying for you."

"Thank you." Scarlett handed Ethaline back her phone. "Thank you." She repeated and Ethaline nodded.

"If you want to get cleaned up there is a small bathroom right here," she pushed open the door reveling a tiny shower, sink and toilet.

"Thank you, I will..." Scarlett looked to Cammie and her knees went weak. "Please baby, baby..." She didn't know what to do, what to say, how to feel. Cameron was alive, but her face, her faces wasn't really there.

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