"MOM! " Eliot called from down the hall. "Can I have Eggos for breakfast?" He waddled as he walked. His star wars pjs dragging along the floor, he hadn't grown into them yet, but he loved them.

"Sure sweetie, I will put them in the toaster. Why don't you get dressed for school, and do you know what toys you want to bring to Timmy's house for your sleepover?"

"Um..." his voice trailed off as he entered his room and began throwing toys around trying to find his action figures.

"So Jackson," Scarlett again cringed. "He asked you out for tomorrow? Is that what I am to understand from ease dropping earlier?" Evan questioned. Cammie rolled her eyes, she knew her dad would be harder to appease.

"Yeah, mom said I could go..." she pleaded to her dad for permission.

"As long as you get your homework done." Evan confirmed.

"Eliot, Egos are ready." Scarlett called. He came back shirtless still in his star wars pj pants and sat down at the table, promptly drenching his egos in syrup and blueberries. "I'm going to pick out some clothes for tomorrow and put it in your bag, okay El?" He nodded, syrup dripping down his chin.

"Scar, you taking them to school or am I?" Evan asked while helping Eliot cut up his breakfast.

"Can you take Cam and I'll take El?" She called back to him as she shoved Eliot's pjs and play clothes in his bag for his sleepover. She also laid out some clothes for school as well, knowing Eliot would rather wear pjs than actual clothes if she let him.

"Yep," Evan looked down at his watch. "You finish your homework?" Evan asked Cameron as she slurped down her cereal.

"Yeah, I mean... it's done... not correctly, but it's done." She announced shoving her folder into her backpack.

"Cameron." Evan stated shaking his head in disappointment.

"Well, its too late now if you want us to be on time." She informed him.

"You ready to go?" Evan asked flipped the eggs Scarlett started and forgot about.

"Let me just fix my makeup." Cammie rushed back to her room, leaving her backpack splayed in the middle of the floor, so as Eliot stood up to get change he tripped and face planted into the ground.

"AHHHH!" He wailed, kicking her backpack viscously until Evan pulled him off.

"Eliot look at me." Evan said as Scarlett popped her head out of Eliot's rooms after hearing the ruckus. "You gonna be okay?" Eliot nodded.

"Stupid Cameron!" He screamed down the hall and up the stairs. "Stupid, stupid, stupid." He muttered rubbing his head. "Mommy, Cameron left her bag on the floor and I tripped on it!" Eliot tattled.

"I know baby I heard," Scarlett sat Eliot on the bed and kissed his whole face. "Did I kiss it better?" He nodded again a smile on his face. "Good, you need help getting dressed?"

"No mommy, I'm a big kid. I can do it." Scarlett walked out proud that her boy thought he was a big kid already. She hoped her big kid never grew out of calling her Mommy.

"Cameron you are going to be late!" Evan hollered as he got on his shoes. To think he used to hate going out, ordered everything from Amazon and never left his apartment, now he was willingly going out almost everyday. Over the past years he had gotten used to his appearance. He tried to avoid the strange looks and glares he got when he went to the grocery store and out to dinner but it was worth it because his life was now filled with love and a family he never thought he would have. "CAM-ER-ON!" Evan emphasized as she appeared, a fresh layer of lipstick and eye shadow on her young face. "Remember when you used to hate makeup and thought it was stupid and sticky? I miss those days." Cameron rolled her eyes.

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