Trees Ease

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As the weather warmed, I am eager to get out in the garden. However, it is still a bit too early to sow seeds other than a few cold tolerant vegetables such as peas. So, I have taken my frustration out on the invasive honeysuckles at the back of my property. They now have a severe 'haircut' and I have drained some of my frustrations. Afterward, as I sat on the deck enjoying a warm wind and watching bare trees sway, I picked up pen and paper and began to write.

Trees Ease

What is it about trees?

As they sway with the breeze

Always capture my eyes

And releasing soul's sighs

Whether dawn or at dusk

Whether wind's warm or brusque

Their tall dark silhouette

An optic minuet

Inject smiles into thoughts

Brings relief I have sought

Eases pain from my strife

Bringing cheer to my life

Sidetrack strife's aftermath

As I seek kinder path

Copyright 2021 - 2022 by Cleomez (all rights reserved)

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