Chapter 34: The Fruits OF 2,000,000 Years

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"I'm going to watch over it for a while." Kaseki referred to he bamboo, "If my child here were to get destroyed by a piece of driftwood or something, I'd be in tears."

Gen flinched when he felt a rough and wrinkled hand grab his shoulders and stopped him on his tracks. Senku and Ana did not glance back at him.

"Are you planning to leave this weak old man to keep watch over this all by his lonesome? Besides, you've got nothing but spare time on your hands, right? Help me out!" The old man said, not letting go even though Gen was trying to get away from him.

Due to Gen's struggling, the mentalist accidentally ripped off Kaseki's top, which exposed the ripped body.

"Err... Yes, sir. I will help." Gen agreed in an instant. 'What was that about weak old man?!'

Back at Kohaku and the others, the blonde stared fondly at the beaten up body of Chrome laying on he floor.

"Senku and Ana are not demons, after all." Kohaku smiled, "They asked for Lalaine to bring back Chrome so we could have our whole Kingdom of Science here, how kind of Lalaine! And they're giving him time to rest..."

Senku stuck the ammonia inhalants in Chrome's nose , the latter woke up screaming and in sweats at the smell.

Senku kicked the trashing Chrome on his leg with a grin on his face, "Hey now, get on your feet and help out, Science team!"

"Oh good! You're awake! If you didn't woke up from smelling salts, I would've made William bite you, without venom, of course! Maybe!" Ana cheered.

"Nevermind, they're demons." Kohaku took back her words earlier.

"You really had hope for these two?" Lalaine patted Kohaku on the back.

"All we need to do is put the ingredients together and we're finished. By tomorrow, our cure-all Sulfa drug will be complete!!" Senku announced.

"Tomorrow?!" Chrome yelled in surprise at how fast it would be.

Kohaku hugged Ana in joy, happy that soon enough, she will acquire the cure for her sister's illness.


Time passed by, and it was already the middle of the night. Ana stared blankly at the dark ceiling above her. Gen should be the only one awake by now, and the mentalist was all the way to he river, keeping watch on the bamboo. Ana got up silently, no wanting to disturb the sleeping figures of Senku, Chrome and Lalaine. She motioned for William to come with her, good thing he woke up at that moment.


Said girl turned around when she heard Lalaine whisper her name, she saw the girl squinting her eyes in the darkness and trying to see her.

"Shh, go back to sleep. You're dreaming." Ana simply said.

"Yeah... Yeah... Man, I'm dreaming. We're supposed to be fighting that..." While speaking, Lalaine laid back down, never finishing her sentence as she immediately went back to sleep.

Ana only smiled sadly at her friend, her eyes convey a mixture of unknown emotions before she shook her head and went down the storehouse. It was a miracle that she could still see where she was going, the fire was put out hours ago and the torches from the village was too far away. The sky was lit up by billions of stars and the moon, albeit not a full one, and they were enough for Ana to map out the field.

"Where should I go, William?" Ana asked her snake, cuddling him closer o her chest to keep him warm. The cold breeze of the night did not bother her, but she was bored and couldn't sleep.

That's when she thought of an idea.

"Let's visit Ruri, shall we? Wouldn't want her spilling my last name now! And hey, I'm the chief now..."

[Heavily Editing] Unprecedented Adventure - Dr. STONE FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ