I think I love you part 2

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Tw/Cw mentions of death, blood, drinking, alcohol, guilt, mentions of killing,

Ranboo pov

'Is it right to fall for someone so quickly?'

Tubbo and I were silent for the rest of the meal. The only chatter that was going on was coming from Wilbur, Techno and Dadza.

After breakfast Dadza requested my presents in the old study, I hesitantly let go of Tubbo's hand and gave him a small note with a smile on my face. I lefted the dining room and headed towards the old study.....

"I hate that place" I muttered under my breath "why does dad even go there anymore?" Some of the maids gave me concerned looks while others had pity or sadness in their eyes

I stood in front of the doors of the old study, I slowly opened the doors and saw the blood still on the floor, seeing it on the ground brought painful memories back to me. Memories I wish I could forget, even if for a little bit. I wish to forget that day.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and was met by Dadza's gaze as if he knew what I was thinking of.

"That day......wasn't your fault Ranboo" I looked down at the ground staring at the dried blood "I wish you had never seen that happen" He pulled me in a tight hug

"I just want you to be happy Ranboo. If that boy truly makes you happy. Never let him go if you'll regret it Ranboo" He let go of the hug

'It was my fault, all of it'

'She wouldn't have even been in the study if it wasn't for me'

'I know the truth, all of it was my fault'

I nodded and started to walk out of the old study and that's when I heard it. the thing that broke me

"She would've loved Tubbo like her own son"

I immediately started to run out of there 'I can't ever go back. I can't. I've messed up too much. No one can ever forgive me. I ran to my room, quickly opening the cabinet and pulling out a bottle, drinking as much as possible

Once I'd finished drinking, I decided to grab another bottle and head out to where I asked to met Tubbo at

I stumbled down the stairs and made my way to the tower. There I would met my love, Tubbo.....


Tubbo pov

Ranboo handed me a small note while smiling at me before rushing off, to where I'm assuming, is the old study.
I looked at the note:

'Dearest Tubbo,

You are my love
I can't help but love you
I have no clue if you feel the same,
Please meet me
At the northeast tower near the
Gardens we first met at

With Love, Ranboo

'He sucks at writing' I sighed and stood up 'I suppose I should head there so I'm early' I started to make my way to the gardens, asking for help along the way from maids and gardeners. After awhile I found the tower. There was a bench that I sat down on and started to wait for Ranboo.

After a bit I saw a distant distinct figure, I knew instantly that it was my beloved. My heart started to beat quicker and my head started to run wild, and then all in one fell swoop my heart fell, in his hand was another bottle, he was stumbling alot and you could tell he wasn't sober at this point.

He walked over (as best he could) and swung his arm over my shoulder, taking a swig of alcohol. After a few minutes of him continuing his behavior, he threw the bottle to the other side of the garden. He started to mutter something about how it's he's fault, something about an old study, and how he's a failure.

I know it's my mission to weaken him and kill him, but I think I love him... how can you hurt someone you love? How Can I hurt someone I love? It hurts seeing him like this.

I felt my eyes welling up, letting a few tears escape. I felt a gentle hand on my face

"Hey, hey, hey, dno't crwy. Waht's worng?" He was slurring a bit of his words and the smell of alcohol was atrocious. But he still cared, even in his state, he's still worried for me.....



"I think..... I love you...."



Part three will be out sometime today hopefully, but I'm not sure. I hope you enjoyed and have a good day/night, bye

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