Stars in your eyes

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Tw/Cw mention of drinking,mentions of killing

Tubbo pov

I started to slightly panic at seeing the king, I quickly looked at the Prince. His hair was an absolute state, his clothes were messy, his tail layed limp against his legs, and his eyes were slanted, not to mention that he reeked of alcohol.

"Who is he Ranboo?" He looked at Ranboo, who by now was holding onto the door for dear life "Ranboo have you been drinking again" to which he responded with a shrug 'hmm so I guess he drinks alot, that's unexpected' the king wearily sighs "Ranboo I think it's best if you lay down, and you" He pointed at me with a bit of a glare "Come with me, we need to chat" He swiftly left the room, The prince closed the door and slowly swayed his way of to me

"Hi~" his voice was deep, and normal I'd think it would be hot, however the alcohol kept me to my senses

"Hey. Sooo I guess I should get going" He looked at me with sadden eyes "noo I'll never see you again, can't you just stay abit longer~?" He sat next me and stared into my eyes 'odd he's an enderman and yet he's been staring in my eyes alot'

"Your eyes are beautiful~" was all he said before laying down and falling asleep, my face was burning up, I tried to brush it off, however I ended up failing. I stood up and began to leave when I heard a faint voice behind

"I think I love you~"

I quickly closed the door. 'That idiot, he loves me and I have to kill him and worse of all.... I think I feel the same' as I turned around I was greeted by the king who was waiting for me

"Was wondering what was keeping you so long" He didn't look pleased nor angry "So kid, what's your name?" "It's tubbo, your majesty" He tapped his chin thoughtfully and hummed in response "so Wilbur says your staying in the castle for a while. He seems to like you, for whatever reason" he started to smile and gestured for me to follow him "so since you'll be staying here, I want you to continue to make my son happy. Can you do that?" He looked at me for a split second and looked back in front of him

I took a moment to respond 'what does he mean make him happy? How am I supposed to do that?' "Yes I'll do my very best, sir" he smiled even more "That's very good. Oh and don't worry I'll speak to my son tomorrow about you and those bites you have" I started to blush at the thought of them, I raised my hand up to feel my neck and the multiple bit marks when I noticed that my shirt was slightly undone 'when did he do that I wonder'

We walked in silence for abit longer till me stopped in front of a door "this will be your room tubbo" He opened the door to let me in "let one of the servants or Ranboo if you need anything" and with that he walked away once more

When I entered the room, I noticed that it was the same size as the Prince's room however it looked more like a fancy hotel room. It's main colors were gold and red, the bed had a cream colored comforter with a dark wood nightstand with books on it, in front of the bed was a dresser mirror and chair presumably for people who need to put makeout on or something

I sat down on the chair and stared at myself for abit, I sighed as I pulled out a piece of paper

|Your Mission, Sir Tubbo;
Is to drown the Prince ender kitty meow meow|


Sorry for it being a short and not that good, bye

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