You and Us

353 21 4

Tw/Cw mentions of blood and death

Enderwalk Ranboo pov

The boy fell asleep after the incantation 'this is a first waking up with someone. I wonder why he was sleeping with them' I layed him back to the bed and exited the room

Walking down the familiar halls of the castle, the smells of flowers and salt swirled around me.

I'm a little sad that I had to leave the boy back there, I wish I knew his name but we speak different languages so I couldn't understand it even if he did tell me.

'Maybe I should name Bee, he had a bee necklace and earring. It fits him.'

I couldn't help but smile thinking of him, he's cute and lovely and trusted me enough with something important to him, I felt something strange in my stomach.

I walked to the old study, opening the doors and walking inside. I saw the blood on the floor that mysteriously appeared one day. I went up to the bookcase, grabbing a random book and sitting down to read

After a couple of hours went by, I decided to check on Bee, placing the book back on the shelf I walked out of the room and headed back upstairs

I slowly opened the door to see Bee still sleeping. I walked over to him and brushed my hand against his, before I could walk away I felt a hand grabbing mine and pulling me into bed, wrapping his hands around my waist, burying his head in my chest. I think he was still asleep, but I wasn't complaining and in fact I was very comfortable with him.

Just than I heard what sounded like a voice

"He can't keep you or the other one safe... I'll find you both and make sure you both watch him die in front of you"

I knew that voice to well. It belongs to my brother, the one who's responsible for all this. I haven't seen or heard from him sense the war.

"Why are you back again? Are you here to make both of us miserable again? You truly are evil....Dream"


sorry for the even shorter chapter, the next one will be longer and sorry for a bit of a confusing chapter. Bye for now and hope you enjoyed.( Rereading this I can tell it's a very crappy chapter sorry about that.)

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