I Smiled, We Kissed

352 21 6

Tw/Cw Death, Swearing, blood, kisses, makeout?,


I took control again, wasn't expecting to see what was in front of me.

A girl's body laying on the floor, drenched in blood, her necked looked like it was snapped and a few stabs in her back. And there in that mess stood Bee....

I walked over the body and hugged my lovely Bee. He looked up and seeming shocked, I'm not entirely sure why, it's just a hug.

Changes language to enderman

"Hey, Bee are you ok?"

"Oh you're speaking in ender is that correct?"

I nodded to him and gave him a slight kiss on the cheek

"Boo are you mad at me?"

"Huh? Why would I be mad at you Bee?"

"I killed your 'girlfriend' that's why" He sounded really angry when he said girlfriend.... "Wait why do I have a girlfriend? I don't even like girls...She's not my 'girlfriend'. I don't even know her... Bee what happened?"

"She fucking kissed you"


"God that was hot of you~" He started smirking at me.

"How is that hot? I think you need better standards"

"Mmm, I think my standards are right~" He came closer and gave me a lovely kiss, quickly getting into the kiss. He pulled me closer and broke apart, slightly cursing under his breath. He moved past me and started messing with the girl's body.

He started picking her up, blood dripping and her body laying limp. Tubbo left for awhile and came back with cleaning supplies, I wasn't quite sure what to do as he started cleaning, mutter under his breath. After a bit all of it was clean, like nothing happened, he looked like he did this before.... I wonder if he's a professional cleaner?

"Are you sure you aren't upset by this?" He looked so petite, he'd be an adorable cleaner. I'd make messes just to see him

"Yes, I've seen dead people before" I said it with pride and smile on my face


"Yes Bee?"

"Why do you look different and talk differently?"

"Ah, it's because of the war and my oldest brother that Ranboo and I are separated"

"Wait what?"

Tubbo pov

I took a few moments to process what he just said...war? Older brother? What the fuck is happening? He started approaching me and apologized, he turned to leave when I grabbed his hand "Why are you apologizing?" "Because you love Ranboo not me"

"That's not true! I love you just as much because in the end you're both the same!" I looked up at Ranboo, his face heating up, I smiled, wrapping my arms around his waist, planting a soft kiss on his lips. I felt his tears fall down, I moved my hands up to his face, pulling away and wiping his tears off his face.

He moved my hands away and gave me another kiss, after a few moments the tears stopped and we pulled away, we both decided to have something sent up to his room

The rest of the day we spent it together, occasionally getting interrupted by Tommy and Wilbur. Besides Tommy's and Wilbur's arguments, it was a peaceful day...

Sorry for the bad chapter, I'll try to be better. This chapter was a semi fuller chapter, anyways bye for now <3

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