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After we all left the compound we headed back to the hype house. I did my best to shower and make myself look presentable without falling over anything. Once I was ready I hobbled on my crutches to the den where everyone was hanging out. We were waiting for Vinnie's parents and brother to get here before we left.

"Wow look at you!" Vinnie smiled.

"Gross! You see Kyle, this is what we deal with." Alex joked.

"But they're perfect together!" Kouvr gawked at us standing with each other.

The doorbell rang and Thomas went to get it. "Vinnie your parents and brother are here!"

Vinnie ran to the front door and welcomed his Parents and brother inside.

"Ahh there's my favorite girl!" Maria smiled as she stuck her arms out to hug me.

I accepted her hug and wrapped my arms around her as best as I could. "Good to see you! So glad you're back! Hey Nate!"

"Hey Kailah! How are ya?" Nate hugged me.

"I'm good!" I smiled.

"Kai, this is Reggie, Reggie this is Kailah." Vinnie introduced me to his brother who I had yet to meet until now.

"Hi! Nice to finally meet you!" I hugged him. Reggie and Vinnie were basically twins just in a different font. "Oh Nate,Maria,Reggie, this is my dad Kyle! He came to visit coincidentally the same time as you guys!" I laughed.

My dad shook their hands and introduced himself. It felt a little awkward since my dad was still trying to adjust to Vinnie and I but of course he had to be nice to his family.

"Well, let's go eat!" Thomas stood as we all gathered in the foyer.

Alex let us borrow the tesla so that me,my dad,vinnie, reggie, maria, and nate could all ride in one car. Once we loaded ip in the car we headed to Saddle Ranch which made me super nervous but excited that we would all be together.

"Ugh it's the paps!" I sighed as Vinnie pulled into Vallet.

I made my way carefully out of the passenger side and instantly got swarmed by paparazzi.

"Kailah, are you and Vinnie official? The fans wanna know!"

"Did you cheat on Vinnie with Tayler?"

"How's your leg recovering?"

I couldn't push through the crowd of paparazzi on my own and I tried my best to look away. I felt a hand give my waist a squeeze and heard Vinnie behind me.

"Guys please leave us alone! We'll answer questions after dinner if we're comfortable." Vinnie nodded and stood behind me the whole way to the entrance.

I looked back to see where my dad was and noticed him and Nate were casually walking inside behind Maria and Reggie. Thomas, Alex, and everyone else arrived a couple minutes later.

"Honey, you're okay right?" My dad stood behind me leaning down so I could hear him.

"Yeah i'm fine. Vinnie was right behind me the whole time." I looked at Vinnie who sat beside me.

"Thanks bud!" My dad gave Vinnie's shoulders a squeeze before sitting next to him.

After we ordered food, some of our group had fans come up and ask for pictures. I was afraid of how my dad would react but he seemed like he was adjusting to LA pretty well. Him and Nate were talking since they got here.

"Oh my gosh! Hi Vinnie! Can we take a picture with you?" These two girls stood behind us while Vinnie turned around.

"Yeah absolutely!" He smiled for the photo and allowed them to hug him.

"Oh Kailah! Can we take a picture with you too? I love you! I was really hoping to see you at Xgames!" She frowned almost like she was gonna cry.

"Of course we can! Thank you so much, I really wish I was there but sometimes things happen for the better!" I softly smiled as I took the pictures with the two girls.

"Awh how sweet! Do you get a lot of fan pics Kai?" Maria smiled as the girls walked away.

"Occasionally. I try to let this one here have the spotlight." I rubbed Vinnie's back who laughed at my comment.

"He has always been in the spotlight. Even in his younger years." Maria smiled at her son.

I rubbed the back of his neck and scratched it softly playing with the ends of his curls as he smiled at his mom. Their connection was something I envied but also loved watching them bond.

Once we all finished dinner we paid the bill and headed to the vallet which was again, filled with paps.

"Kailah please answer questions!"

"Are you and Vinnie dating?"

"Did you sleep with Tayler Holder?"

I rolled my eyes and finally caved in after looking at Vinnie. I knew once we confirmed to the paps they were gonna blast the headline everywhere which leads to more hate for both Vinnie and I.

"Yes Vinnie and I are dating. No I never slept with Tayler. He's one of my best friends." I starred straight into the camera. "And my leg is fine! I'm recovering slowly."

"Vinnie come on man, we wanna hear from you!"

"There's not much to say. She's my girlfriend and I couldn't be happier!" Vinnie smiled and kissed the top of my head. He then proceeded to help me to the car while everyone loaded up.

We made it back home and figured out where everyone was sleeping. Since I had just cleaned my sheets, I let Maria and Nate have my room and Reggie roomed with Michael.

"Hey dad, just coming to check on you before bed." I peeked my head in as my dad was in the process of prepping the bed.

"I'm good! Today was a fun day. I enjoyed hanging out with everyone." He nodded.

"And Vinnie?" I pursed my lips and winced as I waited to see what he would say.

He sighed. "He's growing on me. I appreciated that he protected you earlier at dinner. His parents and brother are also really nice."

I smiled knowing he was starting to like Vinnie. "Good! I'll see you tomorrow! Goodnight. Love you!"

"Love you too buddy!" My dad smiled and I shut his door behind me.

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