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"Alright dad, this is where you'll be staying. Next door is Kouvr and Alex's room. If you need anything you can let either of them or me know!" I sat on the guest bed.

"Honey, are you with that boy? Oh what was his name?" My dad looked into the air trying to think.

"Vinnie? No dad, we're just friends. I'm gonna go to my room for a little to take a nap. I'll be downstairs." I gave him a hug and ran down the stairs to my room.

Vinnie was already in my bed. I lifted the covers and cuddled close to Vinnie.

"So what did he say?" Vinnie laid his arm across my lower stomach with his face facing towards me.

"He asked if we were together. Obviously I told him no. I just don't understand why he's being so tense and weird. He's never cared but to be fair, i've never been with a boy covered in tattoos and lives in a mansion." I lied in bed starring at the ceiling.

"Oh, so you're with me?" I could feel his smirk on his face.

"Shut up you know what I mean. We just can't be all over each other around him. I don't wanna upset him." I slid down so I was face to face with Vinnie and cuddled closer to his chest.

He placed his forehead on mine. Our noses touched and our lips were inches away. "So you mean I can't do this?" He leaned in and kissed me softly. "Or this?" He kissed me again but bit my lower lip softly before pulling away.

"Ughhh stop. That's exactly what you can't do. Otherwise i'm kicking boof out and you can cuddle with him!" I pouted.

"I don't mind that. I love my bro cuddles." He smirked playfully.

Finally we ended up falling asleep for what seemed like forever. I woke up first to a loud knock on the door. Vinnie was still sound asleep.

"Kai! Kai, are you in there? It's 5pm!" I heard my dads voice yell.

"Shit. Vin wake up! Wake up vinnie!" I shook him hard and his face was priceless.

"Whattttt....i'm tired. Who's yanking on the door?" He spoke rather loudly.

"Shh. It's my dad. Hurry up and go to your room! Wait in the bathroom!" I pushed him into our joined jack and jill bathroom and shut the door quietly.

I then ran to my bedroom door and opened it slowly. I gave my dad a fake yawn. "Hey! Sorry I fell asleep. I locked the door because the people in this house are full of pranks."

"Ah okay. I was just coming down to see if you wanted to go grab dinner. We can bring Liza if you'd like!" He waited at the door for my response.

"Yeah sure! Let me change really quick!" I shut the door and locked it back.

I quickly skipped to the bathroom and met Vinnie.

"Finally I can do this!" He grabbed my cheeks with both hands and kissed me.

"Sorry. I didn't know he was gonna wake me up. He wants to go to dinner." I sighed.

"Oh cool! I'll go change." Vinnie smiled.

"He wants to go with just me...oh and Liza." I softly spoke.

"No that's cool! My parents are coming next week. I'd love for you to meet them." He smiled as he threw on a shirt.

"I'd love to!" I smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Okay, I have to change so I can leave before he suspects anything. I'll see you later!"

I changed into a white tennis mini skirt,a white crop top, and threw on my baby blue dunks. I then grabbed my purse and was ready to go!

As I walked out of my bedroom, Vinnie walked out of his. My dad was waiting down at the end of the hall. Vinnie gave me a gesture to go ahead and I made my way down the hall. He slapped my ass as we walked and I quickly snapped my head to look back at him before looking forward again.

"Couldn't help myself." He smirked as we departed. "Have a good dinner guys!"

"Ready to go dad? Our uber should be down at the gate." I smiled and opened the front door for my dad and I.

I had the uber pick up Liza ans then drop us off at Boa. It was crazy full of paps and people. All kinds of flashes were being taken.

Liza stepped out of the car first and I followed, my dad behind us.

"Kailah, are you and Vinnie dating?"

"What's with the recent posts about him?"

"Will we be seeing more of you two together?"

I kept my head down the entire time. My dad helped guard Liza and I as we walked inside the restaurant to be seated.

We sat down at a table inside just so we didn't have be surrounded.

"Does that happen a lot?" My dad asked while putting his glasses on to read the menu.

"Just started happening recently. It's kind of exciting but also nerve racking. I'm everywhere in the public eye right now." I exhaled loudly leaning back in my seat.

"Uncle Kyle, how are you liking L.A so far?" Liza butted in.

"It's okay. I'm not sure if it's my scene but I don't mind being here. I just came out to spend time with you guys and also let Kai know about an upcoming competition coming up." He set his menu down.

"Don't worry, i'm a pro. There's nothing that I can't do. You're making it seem like this is major." I laughed but noticed his facial expression was serious.

"This comp will determine if you qualify for Xgames. It's a big event." He took his glasses off and set them on the table.

"I'll be ready, don't worry." I put my hand on top of his.

Do we think Kai's actually ready? Will she be able to qualify?

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