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"Kai....pst Kai." I heard Vinnie whisper beside me.

I stretched my arms and opened one eye to see some light on vinnie's face. "What? What is so important that you had to wake me up."

"My parents are flying into LA today. I have to pick them up, wanna come?" He rolled over on his side facing me.

"Mmm no. I wanna sleep longer." I closed my eyes again.

"Okay fine but get ready soon because they want to meet you. I have to go shower and get dressed." He kissed the top of my head before rolling out of bed.

I set an alarm on my phone before falling back asleep with Hera beside me.

My alarm finally went off about an hour later and I carefully made my way to the bathroom so i could shower and get ready.

"Kai, they're here!" Vinnie came knocking on the bathroom door.

"Okay just give me a few minutes." I yelled from the shower.

I quickly showered as best as I could and slipped on a black silk short dress that went a couple inches above my knee, a blue cropped jean jacket, and some white air forces plus my cast I was wearing on my leg. I curled my hair lightly once it dried and sprayed some perfume on. I then applied some mascara and lip gloss and I was ready.

"Oh here she is! Mom, dad, this is Kailah." Vinnie smiled as he saw me walk into the living room where everyone was sitting.

"Also known as my cousin." Liza winked.

"So nice to meet you Kailah. I've heard so much about you! I'm Maria, Vinnie's mom." She smiled as she leaned in to give me a hug.

I hugged her back and smiled. "Oh you have? All good things I hope."

"Always!" She laughed.

Vinnie was shaking his head as his cheeks turned red and his smile was glowing throughout the room. I assume that was supposed to stay a secret.

"And I would be the dad, I'm Nate." Vinnie's dad walked over and also gave me a hug.

"Nice to meet you as well!" I hugged him back and then stopd beside Vin.

"So I thought maybe we could take them to lunch somewhere in Malibu." Vinnie looked over at me.

"Yeah, sounds fun." I agreed.

We made our way out to Alex's car that he was letting Vinnie borrow for the day and got in. I sat up front with Vinnie and his parents were in the back. I felt like I was in middle school and the parents were just there.

"So, Kailah how did you injure yourself?" Nate asked me.

"Oh I um, I was in a motocross accident. I went up for a jump the same time another competitor did and my tire hit theirs and just lost control and came crashing down onto my head." I laughed to myself. "I was in a coma for a while back home in Arizona."

"Oh that's right, vin was telling me about that and calling everyday when you were in there. I had to convince him to go see you." His mom held onto the back of my seat.

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