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Today was the day that we had all been preparing for. The boys got up early this morning and headed down with their trainer to get some training in before tonight. I knew everyone's emotions were all over the place but I was excited.

There was a knock on our bedroom door while us girls lounged around in bed. I walked to the door and opened it revealing a sweaty Vinnie.

"You look hotter than usual." I winked holding the door open.

"We just finished training outside, so i'm just slightly hot. I came to stop by to see if you'd go with me to ask your dad something." His chest rised as he panted for air.

I furrowed my brows at his response. "Um...yeah I'll go."

"Don't worry. I'm not asking for his blessing...yet anyway." Vinnie laughed at my confusion.

"Thank goodness! Not that I don't want to but- let's go." I laughed and shut the door behind me.

We made it up to my dads floor and knocked on his door. He opened his door yawning from lack of sleep i'm sure.

"Morning! Vinnie has a question for you and then we'll be out of your hair." I smiled.

"Yeah...I already have my parents and a couple other people, but I wanted to ask if you would want to walk out with us for the fight tonight." Vinnie figited with his fingers.

My dad raised his brows. "You want me to walk out with you?"

"Yeah..I mean you don't have to if it's overwhelming for you. I just thought it would be fun." Vinnie nervously spoke.

"No no! Of course I will. Thank you bud!" My dad engulfed Vinnie in a hug tightly. "That's awesome!"

I smiled at their bond that had formed over the past couple of months. It was good to see that it had progressed since the first time they met.

Vinnie and I parted ways on our floor and went back to our rooms. I immediately started getting ready since time felt like it was going so fast. Finally Liza, Marleigh, and I were all dressed.

"Will one of you take pictures of me before we get there?" I grabbed my bag and hurried to put lipstick on.

"Yes! Hurry we need to get there soon so we can beat any chaos already down there." Liza rushed us.

"Okay okay!" I ran around the room tossing any last minute necessities into my purse.

Marleigh snapped a picture of me before we rushed out the door. We ended up running into Maria and Nate on the elevator.

"You look so good!" Maria smiled admiring my outift.

"Thank you! I'm so excited. He's gonna kill it." I nodded.

We made it to the arena and let security know we had backstage passed. We walked down the long hallway before knocking on the lockerroom door.

"Is everyone clothed? Momma Hacker doesn't wanna see anyones goodies!" I shouted.

"We're clothed!" Tayler shouted.

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