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"Kai! Kai honey, you gotta wake up." My body was gently being shook as I laid half asleep in bed.

"Hm?" I turned my head and opened my eyes to Maria who stood in Vinnie's room. I sat up and wiped the drool off the corner of my mouth before carefully sitting up. "Why? What happened?"

She laughed at me while I adjusted to the sun shining in the room. "You kids and the amount of sleep you get is insane. But you have a doctors appointment."

I yawned looking around the room. "Where's vinnie?"

"Oh they're outside." She pointed.

"They?" I questioned trying to sit up.

"Vinnie and your dad." She said in almost a question.

I threw on a hoodie, tossed my hair in a bun and slipped on my ugg slippers.

"What are you two doing?" I hid my small smile that was growing watching Vinnie and my dad look at his car.

"I was showing him how my lights move. You do know you have an appointment right?" Vinnie eyed me.

"Yes dad. I know. Actually your mom woke me up to remind me." I crutched my way over closer to the car. My dad gave me a glare when I called Vinnie dad.

"I would love to go with you Kai. If you're okay with that. Maybe Vinnie can come too and we can grab lunch after...my treat." My dad smiled.

I was a bit taken back but gladly accepted. "Yeah! Sure, I'm just gonna wear this. I don't have the energy to change."

"You look beautiful!" Vinnie gave me a side hug and kissed the top of my head.

The three of us got in the car and headed to my doctors appointment. Vinnie and my dad talked the whole way. It was a much different experience than dinner yesterday.

We arrived at my appointment and sat in the waiting room for my name to be called.

"Kailah! Kailah Hayes!" The nurse smiled as she called my name.

"That's me! Is it okay if they follow us back for moral support?" I pointed at Vinnie and my dad who stood behind me.

"Of course!" She smiled.

Thankfully this appointment was my hopefully last appointment before I could start therapy and get out of this cast.

"Alright so this is dad and Brother I assume?" The nurse looked at both my dad and Vinnie.

I laughed. "Actually no..my dad and boyfriend." Vinnie smiled at her assumption. That was the first time either of us have heard that.

"So sorry! Well I'm Hannah, and i'm just gonna check your vitals make sure your breathing sounds good and all that and after that i'll get doctor Hendricks." She smiled. "He'll let you know when he's ready to start you and therapy and get you back in good shape like your dad over there, alrighty?" She grinned and began checking my vitals. I eyed my dad with a smirk.

"So nurse Hannah, what's dating like in the medical world?" I smirked at my dad who did not find my question funny.

"Nothing like Grey's anatomy! I'm not into dating anyone at work anyways but some people are." She glanced at me before setting down her stethoscope.

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