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As a little girl I remember my parents being so in love and telling myself that one day I would find a boy who loved me almost as much as my dad loved my mom. A love so pure and a bond so strong that nothing could separate them.

That was until six years ago when my mom passed away from alcoholism. I was twelve when I realized how love can leave someone completely shattered and empty.

Fast forward two years later, I had to understand what losing my best friend was like. My sister Kinsley passed away from a drunk driving accident.

Over the past couple of years I  learned that love is fragile and can be ripped away from you in just a few moments, seconds even. That's when I knew I wasn't sure if I ever wanted to be loved by someone, because in the back of my head I knew that tomorrow wasn't always promised.

"Kai! I need you in the barn!" My dad yelled from the kitchen downstairs. I heard the backdoor slam shut.

I've never understood why my dad calls are huge garage the barn. I guess cause it's detached from the house.

I stood up from my desk and slipped on some old sneakers along with some worn out t-shirt and shorts. I made my way down the samll staircase and headed through the backdoor to the barn that sat across from our house.

When I was five my dad set me on my first dirtbike,along with skateboards and a surfboard when I would go to my aunt's house in California. I've been in several different comps for motocross since I was 10. My mom,dad, sister and I would always spend weekends traveling just so I could be in comps. It's how we spent some holidays and even birthdays.

"Kai, grab that wrench." My dad wiped the sweat off his forehead with his t shirt and continued to work on my bike.

I picked up the wrench that sat on the silver toolbox and handed it to him. "Dad....I've been thinking, would it be okay with you if I stayed out in California with aunt Lilah and Liza?"(Lilah is a made up name for Liza's mom aka vinnie's assistant)

He stood straight up holding the wrench in his hand and looked over at me. "What, you don't wanna work on your bike with your old man?" He laughed.

"I would but I just...I need some time away. I feel lost, like I don't know who I am or what I wanna do with my life. I just feel depressed." I sighed as I felt the tears brim.

"Of course you can go. We'll look at flights tonight. Kai, you know you can talk to me whenever right?" My dad slowly walked over and gave me a hug.

I nodded as he pulled me in. My dad has been my rock. He does everything he can to make sure I have all that I need.

Also I just realized I never introduced myself properly, my name is Kailah, Kailah Hayes. I know I have a strange name yet it fits me. My dad wanted a boy when my mom was pregnant with me and decided that if he couldn't have a boy he would figure out a name that had a boy nickname. That man is something else I tell ya! The only thing masculine about me is my passion for motocross or being outdoors and exploring, other than that i'm happy to get my nails done and shop! A girl has needs!


"Liza!" I yelled loudly throughout the house hoping this chick would hear me. I held Hera in my lap with my headphones around my neck.

"Yes?! Also dude your loud as fuck! I could hear you from across the house." She annoyingly smarted off.

"I've been looking at cars and wanted to go look at one tomorrow, wanna come?" I patted Hera and sat her down on the ground.

Liza sighed as she rubbed her head with one hand and held her phone in the other. "I would but I just got a text from my mom that my cousins coming into town and I have to go pick her up from the airport."

"No worries. Is she cute?" I smirked, hoping to get a reaction out of her.

"As if the girls on tiktok or tinder weren't enough for you." She shook her head. "But yes she's very pretty! You can come if you want. Her plane lands at noon tomorrow." She put her phone in her pocket and walked out of my room.


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