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"I...I..." Marleigh was speechless.

"Uh-uh what Mar? Cat got your tongue? Want me to snatch it out of your ass for you? What the hell is going on?" I held my towel close to my chest making sure it didn't fall.

"Kai listen. Just get dressed please. I have something for you." Vinnie begged.

I looked between both of them and agreed. "Fine. Get out so I can change."

They both walked out and left the room. I sat down on the bed and shook my head. I wasn't sure if I should keep my trust or keep my distant for someone I care about.

Once I got dressed and took time to think I opened the bedroom door. Vinnie stood waiting against a wall.

"Ready?" He pushed himself off the wall and walked closer.

"As ready as i'll ever be." I sighed.

He stuck his hand out with a satin piece of material in his hand. "This is for you. Please put it on."

"A blindfold? Is this some sort of kink?" I slowly grabbed it from his hand holding onto the material.

"Just put it on please." Vinnie sighed. I sighed right back and wrapped the material around my eyes tightly.

Vinnie grabbed my hand once the blindfold was on and guided me down the hall and out the front door. He helped me into his car and we were off.

"Vin, where are we going?" I leaned my head back into the seat.

"Just relax. We're almost there." He patted my leg reassuring me we were close to our destination.

About a couple minutes later the car came to a stop. Vinnie's door opened and shut and then opened my door. He grabbed my hand and helped me out of the car bracing my head so I didn't hit it on the door.

"Okay, stand here." Vinnie planted me with his hands on my shoulders and stepped away. "Now take the blindfold off."

I untied the blindfold that laid on my eyes and took it off revealing what was in front of me. "Wow. It's beautiful."

In front of me, way out in the distance was the Seattle skyline. Each building at the highest level was covered in a light fog. It was nothing like the scenery in California or Arizona.

"Kai, I wasn't telling Marleigh I loved her. I was practicing what I would say to you in this moment. I love you Kai. And I brought you here because I wanted to give you this." Vinnie stood in front of me reaching into his back pocket.

"Wha..what are you doing?" I furrowed my brows and turning my head as he reached into his pocket.

"Calm down, i'm not proposing. I wanted to give you this." Vinnie opened a box that revealed a necklace inside.

I was shocked opening the box. It was a heart shaped locket that revealed a picture of my mom and dad standing in the same place Vinnie and I were. "H-how did you get this?"

"Your dad gave it to Marleigh and she gave it to me so that I could give it to you." Vinnie took the necklace out of the box and held it in his hands. "Can I?"

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