Chapter Twenty-Two: Acceptance

Start from the beginning

"It's nothing to concern yourself with, sir. But the pleasure's all mine." (Y/n) winced, smiling widely to hide his pained expression.

"Good lad. Come, come. Let's eat."

Kate giggled at the sight and wrapped her arm around (Y/n)'s back, escorting him to the dinner table where they and Kate's family sat to have their evening meal. Both parents sat on either end of the table with Lynn and Kate on one side and Tilly and (Y/n) seated on the other. A plate of barramundi was in the centre of the table where each person given an equally sized portion of fish to consume. Before anybody properly touched their food, Kate's mother spoke up.

"(Y/n), would you do us the pleasure of saying grace?" Kate's mother requested.

(Y/n) obliged and put his hands together. "Dear Lord, thank You for this bountiful feast that we are to eat. Thank You for blessing this family with such love and devotion to one another: for their supporting Kate and for bringing them closer as a family. May we eat this food You provide, that it may purify our bodies from Your heavenly divine. Amen."

"Amen," echoed everyone.

As everyone grabbed their knives and forks and tore apart the barramundi, Kate's mother spoke up to kill out the silence.

"So, (Y/n). What brings you to Blackwell?" Kate's mother asked.

"I just needed a change of pace - to escape the life I was brought into and find something peaceful, genuine. I felt that Oregon had exactly what I needed and as it turns out, things have been better than I expected. Blackwell Academy had had its ups and downs, but I really do enjoy my classes. Especially when Kate's there. I truly do care about Kate. She means a lot to me." (Y/n) answered truthfully before he sent a wink his girlfriend's way.

"And where are your parents?"

"Anywhere but here, that's for sure. My parents are... quite famous."

"So how come we haven't heard of them? Uhm, what's your surname again?"

"Donohue. (Y/n) Donohue."

"Hm. Can't say I have. But regardless of who you are, we are all very proud to hear that you've accepted our daughter." Mrs Marsh professed with a false sweetness upon mentioning Kate.

The eldest child tensed at her mention, the fork that was about to feed the sliced barramundi into her mouth hovered in front of her face as she side-glanced at her mother whose jaw tightened despite the smile she sent (Y/n)'s way.

(Y/n) looked over at his girlfriend and gave her a comforting smile.

"We're glad our daughter has approved of you and that you have her best interests at heart. But as a fair warning, John and I won't be as easy to convince. Do you believe in God, (Y/n)?"

"Yes I do. I was born and raised a Christian too."

Kate's mother nodded her head satisfactorily.

"Is your fish up to par, (Y/n)?" Tilly asked.

(Y/n) nodded his head at the girl slightly shorter than him. "Yeah, actually. It's such a treat to have a delicious meal like this. Thank you for allowing me to spend the evening and have dinner with you all."

"Oh, thank you, (Y/n)!" John cheered. "Believe me, you, Linda and I have been looking forward to meeting the girl who caught our little girl's heart."

"Daddy..." Kate sighed in embarrassment.

"It's true, (Y/n). John has indeed been looking forward to meeting you." Linda agreed. "Um, (Y/n)? Do you play any sports?"

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