Family Troubles

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Harry wakes up the best morning not feeling any better.

Harry hears from the twins that there was another attack, a Ravenclaw girl in the prefects bathroom while brushing her hair in front of the mirror.

Harry then watches as Mirabel yawns before biting her food. Harry bites his lip, there is no way Mirabel was behind this, no way, no how. There's got to be a explanation right? Maybe she is the heir to Slytherin, but someone else is controlling her. Yeah that has to be right, like just because her grandfather did something doesn't mean she's evil. He's got to ask though, he needs to be inconspicuous though.

"Hey Ron?" Harry asks wringing his hands. His best friend turns to him and says. "Yeah?" Harry hopes Ron doesn't see his scared side. "I was just wondering, did your grandparents mention anything about attending Hogwarts? Like something going on now?" Ron shook his head. "Nah, they even treat Charlie like a little child, scary stories aren't something they would ever tell us," Ron said and Harry looks to Mirabel. "What about you Mira?" He asks. "Wait but she's from Columbia why would?" Harry elbows Ron without Mira noticing. Mira shrugs her shoulders.

"No one in my family has ever attended Hogwarts before me," Mirabel answers taking a bite of her breakfast. Maybe she doesn't know.... Her grandfather was young in the memory and if Harry's done his math right he should be in his early seventies by now. "Really? Not even your grandfather?" Mirabel looks at him. "What?" Harry realizes. "Oh uh, like your Abuela, but a guy?" Harry tries to explain. "Oh like Abuelo Pedro," Mirabel said and Harry tries so hard not to show any emotion on his face.

Pedro, so it was the teenager in the memory. This is not calming Harry's nerves one bit, everything is pointing more and more towards Mirabel being the culprit.

"Hola Mira," Harry looks up and his stars align. Isabela of course! She was the oldest so by definition she was the heir! "I was wondering where that bird of yours is," she says to Mirabel. "She's a Phoenix and she's taking a break. Columbia is a long way Isa she needs breaks," Mirabel said.

Isabela rolls her eyes and left with a annoyed expression at her sister. It has got to be her Harry thinks.

After Breakfast Mirabel explains to the boys she promised to help Neville study before he left for home tomorrow, but Harry thinks that's just perfect. "Okay have fun!" He says thumbs up.

Mirabel gives a confused look at him, looking at Ron who shrugs unsure. Waving it off as nerves she left to the library leaving the boys on their own. "So what should we?" Ron began when Harry grabs his arm tightly.

"Ron I need to tell you something,"

The two headed to a private place and Harry told Ron all about last night. Ron's eyes widened in disbelief. "And you think Señorita plant witch is controlling Mirabel so she can attack students?" Ron asks. "Of course she is! It makes sense and Mirabel is way to nice, she puts up with Draco, Draco, there's no way this is her doing," Harry said. Ron thinks for a moment. "I guess, like it's illegal, but it is possible to control others against their will," Ron said.

"Exactly, I say we follow Isabela with the invisibility cloak and we can't let Mira know," Harry says and Ron looks hesitant. "You know I actually have something," he began when Harry pulls him along.

Time skip

Under the invisibility cloak the two boys headed down to where they assumed Isabela was. Turns out their assumption was correct that they would find her in the greenhouse.

Harry watches in fascination as Isabela concentrated and grew the mandrakes without using a wand. They were babies at one point, but now they were getting bigger with a lot more leaves. "That's enough dear," Professor Sprout walks in carrying a bucket of something. Isabela lowers her hands and looks at the Professor. "Are you sure I can't do more Señorita Sprout?" She asks. "No dear, if you grow them too fast they could die. I'll see you back tomorrow," Sprout said with a warm smile.

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