Some Intresting Classes

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Mirabel did everything she could to push her Tio's message out of her head. She was happy to see Ginny making friends, this was nice.

That was until Ron came to her the next morning with his broken wand. "Fix it please!" He begs her on his knees. Mirabel looks at the wand, then Ron, than back at the wand. "Couldn't you just get a new one? That was a hand me down anyway," Mirabel asks him as she goes back to stitching Ginny's book bag with a horse.

"Your the carnation you got to fix it or mum will kill me!" Ron says. "You can't fix a wand Ron it's impossible," Hermione says disapprovingly.

"I know that! But Mirabel is the," Ron began. "I am not fixing your wand," Mirabel says as she finishes with the book bag. "But come on! Don't you care if I live or die?" Ron asks beggingly. Mirabel rolls her eyes. "Fine," she says. She grabs the wand and looks at it seeing it was hanging on my just a splinter and a silver string.

"What's this string?" Mirabel asks. "The wand core, the part that gives it's magic. There are several different types, for example. That's a unicorn hair core," Hermione explains. "Mines a Phoenix feather," Harry says taking out his own wand. "And mines a dragon heart string core," Hermione finishes.

Mirabel takes a look at her own wand. "I don't know what my core is," she says. "Didn't you get yours from Olivander?" Hermione asks and Mirabel nodded. "Yeah I did," she says. "But remember what he said. He said that your wand was the only one in his store that he didn't make himself," Harry says.

Mirabel takes a moment and remembers. "Yeah your right," she says looking at it. "Yeah yeah cool, but what about my wand?" Ron asks.

Mirabel looks at it and then reaches into her bag pulling out some Spello tape and wrapped it around the wand.

"That's all I can do," she says handing it back. Ron looks at the wand and whimpers. "Just admit it I'm doomed," he says. "Your doomed," Harry says grimacing. "Why don't you just try and make a new wand?" Mirabel says. "Oh yeah great idea, make myself a new wand, where would I even?" He began when suddenly he pauses and looks like a idea has come in his mind. "Yeah that's a great idea," he agrees.

His three friends raised suspicious eyebrows at him, but they couldn't dwell on it because they had to leave for Herbology.

On their way though they were stopped by a bright flash of light.

"Agh! My eyes," Mirabel rubs her eyes as the flash brightened with her glasses on and it seemed like Harry was having the same problem. As she did this her clumsy nature had her trip and fall into someone.

"Oh my god the Carnation fell on me! This is awesome!"

It was a first year boy with blonde hair and camera with a wide grin. "Oh sorry! I'm so clutze," Mirabel apologizes to him. "She's talking to me! This is awesome!" He snaps another picture blinding the girl again.

"Agh!" She exclaims stumbling around as the kid starts talking to Harry.

Mirabel knocks into someone else and falls over on them. They stumble to the ground and Mirabel looks to see she had fallen over on Neville who blushes embarrassed and tries getting up, but stumbles over himself.

"Oh look Long-bottom thinks he has a chance at a girlfriend. Why don't try something in your league like a toad?"

Several students burst out laughing and Mirabel gets up looking around. "Okay if you don't stop laughing right now Slytherin is going to loose their dorm decorator," Mirabel looks around at each student since most of them laughing were Slytherin students and they shut up.

It's no secret that those dorms need more improvement from last year and Mirabel was really the only one with the ability to do that since no one else would.

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