History Mystery

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(Last chapter was boring and this one's exciting so double update!)

Mirabel walks along with Harry and Ron with a unusual sight on her face. "Sooooo, are you still upset about the juice thing? Madam Pomfry says it'll wear off by the end of winter break," Harry said. "Yeah once she stops coughing up hairballs," Ron grins. "No, because of my stupid perfecta older sister I might need to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas!"Mirabel scowls angrily.

Harry and Ron exchange glances, this type of thing was normal for them to stay at Hogwarts for winter break. Harry because he hates the Dursley's and Ron because it was easier on his parents finances. Hermione still went home usually, but Mirabel on the other hand was always talking about her home, so much that you could see in her eyes how much she missed her family while she was at Hogwarts.

"Well at least you  would have your sister here," Harry tries to cheer her up. "That makes it worse! Isabela hates me! Why couldn't it be anyone else? Delores? Camilo? Mama, Luisa, Papa, Antonio, Tio Felix, Tia Pepa, I will even take Abuela! Just not Isabela," Mirabel claims stomping her foot as they walked.

"What does she think about it?" Ron asks, personally he was looking forward to having a break from the threat of plants controlling him like a marionette doll.

"Oh she's smiling and making those perfect flowers of hers. Abuela sent her presents already! She didn't even send me anything, not even a letter about it, Ms M just told me about it while Isabela got a full letter from Abuela and cards from the village singing her praises," Mirabel looks like she was going to cry over it. "Hey don't worry I'm sure your Abuela will send you gifts," Mirabel hides her face and looks down. "Don't worry I'm used to being pushed aside. I just hope Luisa isn't too lonely," she says.

Harry sometimes wonders how Mirabel got into Gryffindor when her heart is as pure as gold.

As they reached the top of the stairs Mirabel let's out a shriek as she slips and Harry caught her. "What's with all this water?" Ron asks looking at the wet stone floor. "Oh no, Myrtle flooded the bathrooms," Harry said. "We better see what's wrong," Mirabel said. "Do we though?" Ron questions, but was ignored as the two ran ahead.

They got too the bathroom and found the floors covered in water and every ceramic bowl full of water. Myrtle was at a window above crying.

"Myrtle are you okay?" Mirabel asks and Myrtle looks at them. "Oh come back for another round?" She sobs. "Another round of what?" Ron asks. In the blink of the eye Myrtle was in front of Ron yelling. "Oh let's all pretend we don't make fun of Moaning Myrtle! Oh let's throw a book at her! Five points if it's through her stomach! Ten for the head!" She screams punching a hand through Ron's stomach and head, but since she was a ghost it went right through him.

"Who would throw a book at you?" Harry asks. "I know! That is so mean!" Mirabel huffs crossing her arms. "Everyone is always mean to me. I was just minding my own business, thinking about death, when someone th-th-threw a book at me!" She floats off sobbing.

Harry looks around the floor and saw the mentioned book. He bends down and goes over and picks it up, his two friends by his side.

"Looks like my journal without all the decorations," Mirabel observes. Harry looks at the end of it and saw the name. "Who's Tom Riddle?" Mirabel shrugs while Ron has a moment of recognition.

"Oh I know! I saw his name when I was cleaning the trophy's in detention. He was a student like fifty years ago and he was a prefect. He also got a medal for some bravery act," Ron said. "Why would someone have a journal from a student fifty years ago?" Mirabel asks.

Harry opens it and frowns seeing all the pages were blank. "Or why is it blank?" Harry asks. "I don't know, but I think I saw that somewhere before," Mirabel comments. "Maybe a someone found it in the library?" Ron suggests.

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