Making Friends

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(Had no idea what to name this chapter)

Arriving at Hogsmead Mirabel looks in the sky hoping the boys were landing somewhere safe.

"First years! First years come with me," he yells. Mirabel looks at Ginny who's looking at Hagrid nervously. "Don't worry Hagrid's a friend to everyone. He's a big softie, he'll make sure you stay safe," Mirabel explains to her.

Ginny looks at her. "Hey, it's going to be fun. Don't worry about what the future is for now, just focus on the present," Mirabel explains.

Ginny looks at her and nodded going along with Hagrid and the other first years.

She walks up to Hagrid, who looks at her and says. "Are yee the last Weasley or should I expect another next year?" He sounded both joking and curious. YGinny giggles and says. "I'm the last one," she confirms. "Eh oh well, I'm sure I'll be getting the next batch of you lot in a decade or two," Ginny blushes as she follows them out.

"How do you do it?" Hermione asks as the pair headed off to the carts for the second years. "Well it's just my thing, my family is so busy I had taken up to looking after my primo Tonito, I watch him so much he calls me mamí," Mirabel explains.

Hermione raises a eyebrow at this, but Mirabel just smiles.

"I just can't help it," she says as they took their seat on the carriage and looks to the sky. "Do you think the boys are okay?" She asks. "They won't be when they're expelled," Hermione answers.

Time Skip

Mirabel was sat with Hermione as the first years entered the hall. Harry and Ron hadn't shown up yet, but Mirabel was sure they were fine, what was the worst that could happen?

Scene change

"Ahhhhhhh!" The two young wizards screamed as the living tree tries killing them from inside the crashed car.

Back to before

Mirabel spotted Ginny in the crowd of nervous children.

She looks at the Gryffindor table where her twin brothers gave her thumbs up, while Percy looked rather passive. Mirabel gives her a smile and Hermione makes a deep breath motion so she knows to keep calm

Mcgonagall comes to the stage with the sorting hat and began reading from a scroll. Mirabel claps as each student is sorted, even the ones that aren't in Gryffindor.

Finally it was Ginny's turn and when the hat hit her head it comes alive and says.

"Another Weasley! And what do you know? This one's a girl!"

The crowd stifles giggles as the Hat got to sorting. "Hmmm well I guess that leaves you in..........," the Hat pauses and Mirabel feels a bad feeling fill her stomach. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "If she's not in Gryffindor you'll be there, you'll help her, she won't be alone just because she's not like her family,"


The Gryffindor table cheers, none more louder than Fred and George as Ginny took her seat in between Mirabel and Fred smiling like all her wishes had come true.

"Good on you," Said Percy showing the slightest hint of emotion.

Mirabel gives her a big hug secretly relieved. "She won't suffer like me, she just won't," Mirabel thinks as the feast starts.

Later Mirabel learns Ron and Harry got detention for breaking a tree on their way in, but they weren't hurt so she's cool.

She got to her dorm and it was just like she remembered it down to the beautiful view of the lake.

When she began unpacking there was a knock at the dorms door. "I'll get it!" Mirabel volunteers and opens it. Ginny was standing there and she was looking rather scared.

"Hey you okay?" She asks. Ginny looks at her and shakes her head. "Who's at the door Mirabel?" Hermione calls. "No one, I'm just going to be in the bathroom," Mirabel says taking Ginny outside and too the girls bathroom. Once inside she locks the door and asks. "What's wrong Gineita?" Mirabel asks her.

"The girls in my dorm were making fun of me," she starts tearing up. "Why?" Mirabel asks. "Because I told them you called me your sister and they started laughing. They also said your embroidery was stupid and silly," Ginny says. Mirabel frowns, that was rude. "Well then lets go and show them it's not silly, here's what we're going to do," Mirabel explains the plan and Ginny nods to it eagerly. They left the bathroom and lead her to her dorm and they open it, but Mirabel hangs back out of sight.

"Oh look it's whiny Weasley," Mirabel heard a girl tease. Mirabel grips her hand tightly when she hears the teasing.

At this moment she walks inside the dorm and loudly says. "Gineita! I hope you don't mind, but I forgot my hair brush and Ron mentioned your mother packed you twice of everything so I was hoping you had a spare I could borrow," Mirabel explains. The entire dorm room stops to look at her and Mirabel pretends to ignore them focusing on Ginny who's smiling brightly and her lip wobbles to keep from laughing.

"Of course you can!" She says enthusiastically moving to her bag and opening it. A first year in a nightgown comes over to her and sceptically asks. "Aren't you the carnation?" She asks. Mirabel blushes and says. "Yeah, my names Mirabel Madrigal. I came to ask my Hermanta for help," She says and Ginny came and gave her a brush. "Thanks Gineita, see you in the morning have a nice sleep," she says as she left and grins as she hears the flurry of voices talking to Ginny.

Mirabel smiles as she goes to bed yawning, it sure was a long day and she's glad she's made Ginny some friends.

Before she goes to bed however she sees a package on her bed, from the open window and marks she assumed Fuego dropped it off for her, he's been doing so much flying since his flight feathers grew back.

She opens it expecting it too be from her family, but when she opened it her heart leapt into her throat.

Inside was a green tablet, she didn't know what this was, but at the same time she did. On top of it was a letter and taking a gulp she opens it reading it.

Mirabel I'm sorry, I know you didn't tell our family what happened last year, but I saw it in my visions. A small thing called a elf visited me and warned me you were in danger, honestly I thought I was going crazy until it started screaming, something that shrill cannot be imagined. Anyway I had a vision, I hate having them, but this one just came and I couldn't stop it. Please Mirabel, be careful I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for this, but maybe if you see it you can change it. Just please Sobrina be careful,

Love Tio Bruno

Mirabel looks around and saw the girls all asleep. She picks up the box and rushes away to the girls bathroom locking the door behind her. Carefully she picks up the glowing green tablet looking at it and her breath hitches.

In it she saw Ginny and herself, lying still and lifeless on the cold hard floor.

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