“I said you’re a liar!” I shouted in her face. “You have lied to me my whole life, how can you just sit there and act like nothing ever happened?”

               “I don’t know what you are talking about…” she said sounding a little uncertain about herself now. This is exactly what I was hoping for, she is finally getting the emotions that she should have had a long time ago when she kidnapped me. Fear.

                “Mom who is at the door?” Danielle asked, skipping down the hallway. When she saw me she stopped midway and sneered in my face. “Missed doing work for us that much Faith? Ashley look who came back!” she called out to her sister who rounded the corner.

               “Ah Faith it is good to see you! I have a laundry basket that is full and needs to be done, so if you don’t mind... get going while we are all still young,” Ashley chuckled, waving her hand around.

               “I am not here to do your laundry or to do any other work you want me to do.”

               “Then what in the world possessed you ever to come back here,” my aunt asked in surprise. Her face was still distant; probably thinking about what she did no doubt.

                “I am here to arrest you my dear aunt?” I stated proudly.

                 All of their faces shifted into horror as they looked at me. It was then when all the cops started to file out and charge towards us. Everything then happened in slow motion; it started when my aunt slammed the door shut. There was screaming on the other side of the door and I couldn’t quite make it out. Something like ‘mother why are you getting arrested by Faith?’ or ‘Mom what is going on!”

              The cops slammed their selves against the door, knocking it open and charged in. Screaming echoed and pots slammed and I just found myself just standing there. This was it the end of all the torture and worry, a smile even stretched on my face.

             My grandma came up beside me and wrapped her arm around my shoulders. “Are you feeling any better my dear?” she asked curiously.

              “I feel so much lighter now. I feel like I can actually walk around without worrying about being seen by her.”

               The cops walked out of the front door with my aunt in tow, giving me a nod when they passed. When my aunt saw her mother her eyes widened. “Mother you are going to let them throw me in jail?” she asked incredulously.

               “Yes when you lie and keep Faith for a personal made when it was clearly stated that I would get her if her parents ever died. Now that is considered kidnapping daughter, I did not raise a thief in my family and if you do the crime you do the time,” she stated clearly not even breaking contact with her daughter who was in handcuffs.

                “Mother please don’t go to jail!” Ashley called out, a little tear strolling down her face. I kind of felt bad for her but then what she said next made me take it back. “Who is going to buy me new shoes? I don’t have a job… and getting one is so disgusting.”

                 Throwing her into the car they drove off. That was it; this was the end of it all. Walking back towards Jessie and Trent who stood there looking as happy as they could be, I gave them a smile. “So who wants to go out to get something to eat?”

                “Sure,” they said in sync.

                 I thought about Tucker and asked them if it was ok if he came. When they agreed I sent him a text message asking him if he wanted to join us. When he replied we all hopped in Trent’s car and started to head out to dinner.

                “I can’t believe she actually thought your grandma was going to take her side,” Jessie chuckled after she gave her order to the waitress. “I mean she lied her own mother and she thought she would pity her.”

                “So tell me what you are going to do now Faith?” Tucker asked, crossing his arms on the table next to Jessie. He glanced over at her and gave her a small smile before turning back to me.

                 I thought about it for a second and then look over at Trent, then Jessie, and then Tucker himself. I glanced down at my phone to see a text message from my grandma saying she loved me very much. This was all I could ever ask for, and now that I have most of everything I ever wanted I was going to live my life the way I want  to with my boyfriend, my best friends, and my family by my side.


Epilogue is next!(:

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