Video Game Troubles

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"So... What is this thing?" (Y/n) asked while pointing at the old game machine. "It's a game machine, here, I bought us a game to play. It's called Olfana Story X-2, but keep in mind that it's a crappy game" Kusuo warned while taking out the game. "Sure, I'll play this... Game thing" (Y/n) said with a shrug, only mildly interested in it, despite her dislike of modern things.

Taking a seat next to Kusuo, (Y/n) held the controller, while Kusuo set up the game. When it was on, an intro started to play. "This is Olfana, a land that's not like our own..." The TV spoke, causing (Y/n)'s head to tilt to the side in confusion. "Well, that started abruptly," Kusuo said calmly, despite having not anticipated it.

The TV continued to speak for about a minute, that's when they both started to get bored. "Click that button, it should skip it," Kusuo said while pointing to the button. As told, (Y/n) pressed it, only for nothing to happen, while the TV kept speaking. "I think it's broken" (Y/n) said with a lopsided grin, earning a disappointed sigh from Kusuo.

"No, it's just not a command in the game, we're being forced to listen to it" Kusuo explained in exasperation. Kusuo then got out the instructions, while (Y/n) cluelessly watched the TV. "Ah... Kusuo, a little help- Oh, and he died" (Y/n) said with a sweatdrop. Looking up from the manual, Kusuo spotted the "GAME OVER" on the screen and a dead character on the floor.

"Well, that didn't go well, sorry about that" Kusuo apologized, knowing it was mostly his fault. "Here, let me restart it, this time I'll guide you," Kusuo said as he gently took the controller from her. "Honestly, it was kind of funny watching that man die" (Y/n) said, while Kusuo focused on resetting the game.

After a few quick seconds, they were back to square one, forced to listen to the opening. Thankfully, this time, Kusuo is going to help (Y/n) fight the first enemy. "Here, just press that button" Kusuo explained while pointing to the "A" button. She did as told only for the music to pause on a note, which enveloped the room in silence.

"Here, let me reset it again," Kusuo said, as he took the controller from (Y/n) again. Once again they're back at square one, stuck at the opening scene. Finally, they had passed the first enemy with no issues, now they're at a cutscene to the castle's entrance. Somehow, the character had gained the attention of a guy in a suit of armor. "Hey now, you're not too bad, kid," the character said, indicating that he had watched the fight break down.

"Hm? Is that the same guy from the cover?" Kusuo asked as he took out the cover of the game, inspecting the design of the character in the artwork. Let's just say, the character did the artwork dirty, looking blander than a dull rock. "Does it matter? Also, if he was watching, shouldn't he help if he saw us dying?" (Y/n) asked in confusion, having known humans for their empathy. "It's a game, not real, it's just a part of the design" Kusuo explained, earning a hum of understanding from the demon.

"Look at that, Necrosofias are really giving us trouble. To think that they're even invading our kingdom" the character spoke, while the screen overlooked the kingdom's grounds. There they saw multiple dead soldiers and Necrosofias, while those who were still alive fought each other to the death. "But we're going to stop them from having their way, in the name of Marshal," the character said, despite there being a fight right next to him.

"Why can't we join the enemy's side?" (Y/n) asked, with slight amusement, believing the "human" on the TV was dumb. "It's just how it is" Kusuo explained, having given up explaining to her that it's a game for the nth time. "I'm Tom, glad to have you" the character, now known as Tom, introduced himself with a hand outstretched. "How do I shake his hand?" (Y/n) asked, snapping Kusuo out of his thoughts.

But, unfortunately, the game didn't allow him any time to react, having gone past the command. "You don't want to shake my hand?! Are you one of the Necrosofias?!" Tom yelled out as he killed the character, thus ending with "GAME OVER" again. Now impatient, Kusuo took the controller from (Y/n), now determined to get past Tom. Slowly, she can see the dark brooding shadow hover over Kusuo as he restarted the route. Finally, Kusuo had arrived back with Tom, shaking his hand this time.

"Let's work together, kid, we're comrades now," Tom said casually like he didn't just kill them a moment ago. "Shut it, Tom, I only shook your hand because I had to. We will NEVER be friends" Kusuo spat harshly while glaring harshly at the TV. Meanwhile, (Y/n) watched in pure amusement, finding joy in Kusuo's suffering of failing countlessly.

"Let's survive this together!" Tom said happily, oblivious to Kusuo's dark glare. "I hope you die!" Kusuo spat out, clearly done with Tom. Now he's up against three enemies, forcing the character to team up with Tom in the 2v3 battle. "Here they come kid, watch my back!" Tom yelled out.

"Alright, so I need to watch out for attacks from behind, (Y/n) take notes on how I battle," Kusuo said, having finally calmed down from his anger. "Fine, fine" (Y/n) said as she got ready to look at the controller and the TV screen to understand the battle. Kusuo got to attack first, quickly taking out the first enemy with just one swing. "Huh, that was anticlimatic" (Y/n) said, having not realized that they're so weak. "That's a good thing, this will go a lot quicker than--" Kusuo said, sounding a bit relieved, only to stop mid-sentence.

Tom had gone to attack an enemy as well, aiming to swing at the creature. "So this character fights alongside us?" Kusuo questioned, watching as Tom fought. With a swing, he only dealt 2 damage, much weaker than Kusuo's character. "He's also weak" (Y/n) noted, not understanding the logic of power between characters.

"If he's this weak, how did he kill me before?" Kusuo asked rhetorically, still peeved about earlier. Then, the enemy attacked behind Tom, easily cutting him down. "He's hopeless," Kusuo said in disappointment, while (Y/n) blankly stared, not sure how to feel about the situation.

"So, now what? Do we continue without--" before (Y/n) could continue her question, the screen turned into "GAME OVER" once again. This left the room in silence again, giving Kusuo a moment to slowly process that he has to restart, again. Out of anger, Kusuo crushed his controller with his thumb, and another cloud of anger surrounded him.

(Y/n) scooted away from Kusuo, knowing it's best to not be near him when he's pissed. But, overall, she still finds it amusing to see him get so worked up. Finally, Kusuo had passed the enemies without having Tom killed this time. "Ha, what would you do without me?" Tom asked cockily like he isn't the weakest link.

"I haven't even gotten that far and I'm already sick of him. Also, why are you sitting so far away? Get over here" Kusuo ordered without looking at (Y/n). Slowly, she slinked back to his side hesitantly, not wanting to piss him off more. This left them in silence, again, as Kusuo moved forward through the game.

Somehow, despite being taken down, the enemies stood back up. "What? They're not dead?" Kusuo asked in disbelief, realizing he has to fight, again. "We have no choice, we have to finish them with Excel," Tom said with an encouraging thumbs-up. "Alright, I'll show you a true 16-shot per second button smash, this is some unpresidential controller technique," Kusuo said towards (Y/n).

On cue, Kusuo rapidly moved his fingers against the buttons, earning a vibration noise due to how fast he pressed. "EXCEL!" The TV yelled as it exploded due to the bar filling up all the way, no thanks to Kusuo's button technique. This leaves them at "MISSION COMPLETE" and a save option.

"Finally! A save point! Never before has a save screen brought me so much joy!" Kusuo said in relief, while (Y/n) clapped at his success. "Nice work, though, I think your hand grip is destroyed" (Y/n) said while pointing to the controller. "It's called a controller, and I can fix it easily," Kusuo said as he placed it on the ground.

He then hovered his hand over the controller, thus making it glow and revert back to new. (Y/n) quickly took notice of the TV changing as well, and quietly slinked into her shadows. When Kusuo finally took notice of the TV, let's just say his room was left in shambles.

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